Top 5 Ways To Market Your Pool Company

Nov 14, 2018

<a href="" target="_self">Adam Gregory</a>

Adam Gregory

Award Winning Digital Marketing Consultant - Pool Marketing Expert | US Army Combat Veteran
Pentair, orenda, haviland, zodiac, pool and hot tube alliance, Pool Spa Operators

Looking for a crash course on pool company marketing? While it takes a bit of work, a good marketing strategy can dramatically increase your online visibility and directly contribute to more customers. But in order to do that, you’ve got to learn a thing or two about pool company marketing. To start with the basics, here are the top five ways to take your pool company marketing to the next level.

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Top 5 Ways to Market Your Pool Company

1) Have an exceptional website.

Your website is the center of your pool company marketing efforts. These days, it’s often a customer’s first impression. Hence, your website design should look professional, be easy to navigate, and communicate a clearly defined value proposition.

Explain what sets your company ahead of the competition, and why customers should choose you. Nail that down in 2-3 sentences and put it on your homepage where it’s easy to see.

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2) Provide high-quality content.

Pools are a large investment, and most people do a fair amount of research before they make a purchase. A great pool company marketing strategy involves providing useful knowledge through a blog.

If your blog provides in-depth information on things like finding a contractor or maintaining a pool, you’ll build the reputation that your company is knowledgeable, helpful, and trustworthy.

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Solid content marketing requires a great place to post content. A blog will help drive searchers to your site with a little thing called SEO, or search engine optimization.

When your website answers commonly searched questions like “how to winterize a pool,” Google bumps you up in its search results. This will, in turn, increase the amount of relevant traffic coming to your site.

3) Leverage social media.

Social media marketing is a great tool for pool company marketing– first, because it’s cheap (or free); and second, because you can interact directly with your audience and show some personality. Remember, a picture is worth a thousand words.

Encourage others to tag you in their posts!

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Create fun, family-friendly posts on Facebook and Instagram and encourage others to tag you in their posts. Be sure to stay on top of the changing seasons and trends to keep your audience engaged.

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4) Target your emails (and snail mail)

Avoid wasting your pool company marketing efforts on the wrong people by making sure your emails are carefully targeted. For example, removing renters, college students, and other non-potential pool customers from your mailing list will save you time and money. Plus, you can replace those names with more relevant ones.

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5) Use Google AdWords.

Pay-per-click advertising through Google AdWords can help your company show up next to relevant searches and drive traffic to your site. You can even draw users in with a special offer on your ad.

An additional way to improve your online visibility is to make sure you’re set up for Google My Business, which helps you appear on Google Search, Maps, and lets you respond to reviews and showcase new products.

Market Your Pool Company with EWR Digital

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If you’re looking for experts in pool company marketing, EWR Digital can help. Contact us today and request a 15-minute call with one of our experts. Click below or give us a call at 713-592-6724 to get started!

Top 5 Ways to Market Your Pool Company | EWR Digital – Houston, TX

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