Pool Industry Marketing Ideas For Business Owners Who’ve Tried Everything

Nov 24, 2018

<a href="https://www.ewrdigital.com/author/adamewrdigital-com" target="_self">Adam Gregory</a>

Adam Gregory

Award Winning Digital Marketing Consultant - Pool Marketing Expert | US Army Combat Veteran
Pentair, orenda, haviland, zodiac, pool and hot tube alliance, Pool Spa Operators

Pool industry marketing can be a tough nut to crack. It can take quite a bit of time to build your audience and see real changes in your sales. If you feel like you’ve tried everything in the pool industry marketing handbook, don’t throw in the towel just yet. There are a handful of unique marketing ideas that just might turn the tables for you.

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7 Ideas for Pool Business Owners Who’ve Tried it All

  1. Retarget your ads.

If you’re shelling out the big bucks for online ad space and not seeing results, your ads might not be reaching the right market. In pool industry marketing, retargeting is crucial.

A good retargeting campaign can dramatically increase the chances of your ad falling in front of relevant eyes.

Using Facebook’s Custom Audiences or Google AdWords, you can place a snippet of code on your site that drops a cookie in your visitor’s web history. Then, your ads will be displayed to people who have already expressed an interest in your business and hopefully drive them back for another look.

A good retargeting campaign can dramatically increase the chances of your ad falling in front of relevant eyes.

retargeting explained

What is Retargeting? - EWR Digital

  1. Post videos on YouTube.

Did you know that YouTube is the second largest search engine in the world? It’s becoming a bigger player in pool industry marketing as well. Simple videos on pool cleaning and maintenance tips are highly searched and incredibly valuable to your audience.

Place your company’s logo in the bottom corner of the video and link to your website in the description box. This strategy will drive more traffic to your site and increase your visibility.

YouTube is the second largest search engine in the world.

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  1. Do some SEO digging.

It’s hard to deny the key role SEO plays in pool industry marketing. While you may be updating your blog on a regular basis, you may not be updating it with the right information. Try using Google Trends to figure out what industry-related terms people are searching for.

You can even narrow your results to show trends from your area.

While Google Trends is a great free tool, it takes a little more work to find out which keywords are the best for you capitalize on. Paid tools like SEMrush can help you suss that out much faster and give you insights on your paid advertising.

  1. Use infographics.

Internet users like to obtain information as quickly as possible. If you’re putting a lot of time and energy into your web text, you may want to consider whether it’s actually too much to read. Large blocks of text actually turn users away from your site faster. They will end up TLDR (too long, didn’t read).

Now is the time to focus on making things more visual. Infographics are a great pool industry marketing tactic to make your text more engaging and easier to follow. Not only are they visually appealing, but they’re also easy to share on social media.

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Source: Piktochart

  1. Ask your audience to interact with you.

While you may be posting on social media regularly, you might not be opening up much of a dialogue.

Giving people incentives can make people much more likely to interact with you.

Social media works best when it’s a two-way conversation. Invite your audience to interact with you on Facebook and Instagram by asking questions, inviting them to tag you in their posts, and offering online-only specials for people who like or share your content.

Giving people incentives like discounts and giveaways can drastically change their behavior and make them more likely to interact with you.

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  1. Use inspirational quotes on social media.

Inspirational quotes can be a bit cheesy, but when done right, are shared much more often than any other kind of post on social media.

Posting images featuring quotes about summer fun, family time, or relaxation can help your audience associate your business with these positive themes and do wonders for your pool company marketing plan.

Inspirational quotes - EWR Digital

7) Hire a Pool Industry Marketing Service that Brings You Results

It’s hard to keep up with a quality pool industry marketing plan on your own. If you’re looking for an expert in pool business SEO, EWR Digital can help. Contact us today and schedule a 15-minute call with one of our experts. Give us a call at 713-592-6724 to get started!

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Pool Industry Marketing Ideas for Business Owners Who’ve Tried Everything | EWR Digital – Houston, TX

Lead Gen & Digital Marketing Review for swimming Pool Company client for over 10 years!