Social Media Marketing | EWR Digital

Grow Your ROI, using Social Media Marketing

Chart comparing traffic and time results for PPC, social media & PR, content & SEO.

Results Driven Social Media Marketing

Your business can start growing its brand awareness and revenue from social media. In the exponential ago where more than 70% of consumers expect a brand to have a social media presence. (find anchor). Consumers expect brands to have a tailored and cohesive social media strategy.

Almost every business can benefit from social media marketing. When leveraging social media marketing effectively, you expand your reach, qualified traffic and convert consumers!

On some networks, only a small portion of your followers will see what you share. That’s where our strategy can play an important role. We know how to promote high-quality content like engaging content like video shorts, reels and hashtags to increase their visibility on platforms where Organic traffic still exists.

Reach More People and Grow Your Brand

Cultivating an audience online is more challenging than ever with the saturation of content that is produced every second (find anchor). With so many social media platforms, complicated algorithms and restricted exposure, it’s difficult for business owners to find time to even be on social media. 

As an extension of your business, we take social media management off your plate so you can focus on growing your business. By consistently testing different methods and channels, we understand what it takes to get results.

We boost your presence on the networks that matter most for your business. Our years of experience paired with effective social media marketing efforts go beyond just managing your presence—we focus on creating more opportunities for your brand to cultivate followers and grow online. 

Social media for investor relations
Social media marketing graphic designs for BitWallet

Social Media helps SEO

Did you know that search engines like Google and Bing integrate updates, Tweets, profiles and sometimes comments into their results pages, recognizing the importance of social media. This should be a sign that if you are not doing social media marketing you need to!

Video Recording Shoot

Custom Videos Enhance Trust

Understanding how to leverage social media to build a thought leadership brand and create meaningful connections can produce big results. Our social media marketing agency shares valuable content. We also use video clips to showcase your client testimonials, explainers and other content in gaining consumer trust.

Android Social Media

Profitability is Key

Social media marketing for small businesses and large enterprises is a cost-effective way to reach your ideal clients. Various social media platforms allow you to showcase your products and services through organic traffic and paid channels.

The Symbiotic Relationship: Why Social Media is Crucial for Your Online Presence

In the ever-evolving digital marketing realm, the dynamic interplay between social media and search engine optimization (SEO) serves as a cornerstone for crafting a triumphant online presence. Here are some paramount reasons for incorporating social media into your comprehensive online marketing strategy:

Boosting Website Traffic

Sharing your content on social media channels, whether it’s blog posts, videos, or infographics, can significantly increase the visibility of your website. When your content resonates with your social media audience, they are more likely to click through to your website, boosting your web traffic, a vital SEO ranking factor.

Enhancing Brand Visibility

Active and consistent social media presence helps raise brand awareness and recognition. The more your brand is talked about and shared on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, the more likely it is that your brand’s name will be mentioned across the internet. These mentions are known as “social signals,” which can indirectly influence search engine rankings.

Engaging with Your Audience

Social media provides a direct line of communication with your audience. Engaging with your followers and responding to their comments and queries not only builds trust but also keeps them coming back to your website for more. Search engines, like Google, take user engagement into account when determining your site’s relevance and credibility.

Content Promotion and Link Building

Sharing high-quality content through social media can attract attention from influencers, bloggers, and other websites in your niche. When these external sources link to your content, it can improve your backlink profile, which is a significant SEO ranking factor.

Mobile Optimization

With the majority of social media usage happening on mobile devices, a strong social media presence ensures that your content is mobile-friendly and easily accessible. Google considers mobile-friendliness in its search ranking algorithms.

Social Media Profiles in Search Results

Social media profiles often appear in search engine results for branded queries. A strong and consistent social media presence can help you control the narrative about your brand and ensure that searchers find accurate and engaging information.

Local SEO

For businesses with a physical presence, social media plays a crucial role in local SEO. Platforms like Google My Business, Yelp, and Facebook allow you to manage your business information, interact with customers, and receive reviews, all of which can impact local search rankings.

Understanding Your Audience

Social media analytics provide valuable insights into your audience’s behavior, interests, and demographics. This data can help you tailor your content and SEO strategy to better target your audience’s preferences.

How Social Media Supports SEO: Content, Linked, Shared, Followers, Community, interactions, indexing

Other Social Media Marketing Services for Businesses

Social media analytics and reporting

Before you begin marketing on social media, it’s crucial to put proper tracking in place. Our social media analytics provide clients with valuable insights into their followers. From overall demographics to engagement reports that show the success of campaigns.

Brand monitoring

If your customers are online, you hope they are talking about your business! Through review sites and social networks, customers are expressing opinions and experiences with your business. Keep on top of what people are saying about your enterprise. We’ll continually monitor the web for any new mentions of your company on blogs, review sites, or social networks.

Google Search Console - Analytics
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Long Term Benefits Thought Leadership min

Social Media Platforms

Understanding your audience is crucial for marketing success.

Community is all about the people that the business attracts. That involves the number of followers on the page, their age, gender, interests, and the language they use.

You can analyze what they love or hate the most about the brand. Social media changed the target audience from being imaginary personas that marketers come up with to real people and real time data.

Utilizing the right social media platform is a great chance for you to know more about the audience to be able to tailor your digital presence for them.


With 2.8 billion monthly users, Facebook maintains its position as the leading social media platform. Easily connect with your audience and promote your business with engaging content, boosted posts, and intelligent Facebook ads.


Create a community of loyal followers and brand enthusiasts with engaging photos, videos, and Reels. As a business on Instagram, the platform will be working for you as it helps 83% of its users make the decision to buy a product or service.


Twitter’s fast-paced environment makes it easy to get your message delivered quickly to a wide audience. This platform is perfect for followers to access customer support, connect with your business and see your brand personality.


Start building valuable relationships with business owners and top decision-makers on the most popular B2B network: LinkedIn. Through intelligent content and targeted ads, you can increase brand visibility in your target market.


As the second largest search engine in the world (behind Google), YouTube is a powerful tool for businesses, offering a vast platform to share content, boost your online presence and gain exposure for you products and services.

Tik Tok

TikTok for Business is a marketing and advertising platform that allows businesses to create and promote short-form video content to reach and engage with a diverse and global audience. Check out podcast channel here.

Other services

We can also help you test ads on platforms like Pinterest, Nextdoor, Houzz, and more.Our social media marketing company performs in-depth business reviews, audience analysis and competitor benchmarking to determine the most appropriate and profitable social media marketing platforms and techniques for your business.

Our 4-Step Social Media Marketing Process:

With digital marketing strategies, your business can reach — and exceed — its goals, which may include:

1. Brand Strategy Development

2. Create or Capture content

3. Promote your brand, products, and services

4. Retarget already interested prospects

Social Media Marketing FAQs

What social media platform should my business be on?

Despite what you may think, social media marketing does not mean you have to be on every social network that exists. Like we said, it’s all about what works for your brand. Thinking about the story you want to tell, your brand image, and where you think you can connect best with your target audience will help lead you to the social media platforms that make sense for your business—could be one, could be there

How often should I post on my social channels?

This depends entirely on the platform as each social channel has parameters that need to be met for you to use the platform in an optimized way. Frequency of posting and the time at which to post differ between social platforms. An excellent social media manager will know these best practices. If you are handling your social media yourself, consider doing some research into the frequency and length of your posts and at what time you should publish your posts.

Why should I work with a social media marketing agency?

Working with a social media marketing agency offers years of experience and a team of dedicated social media professionals that you won’t find anywhere else. While you focus on running your business, our focus will solely be on strategy and helping you grow your social presence. We have the specific skills, tools and expertise to help you navigate these platforms, connect with your audience and make a real impact on your overall digital success.

How much do social media marketing services cost?

Creating a business page or profile on any of the top social networks is completely free, but management, monitoring, social media content planning and design take a lot of time and energy. We have affordable marketing plans for every network that offer flexibility for you and your budget. If those don’t fit quite right, our team of social media professionals can also build custom strategies tailored to your exact business needs.

Do you utilize boosted posts?

Some social channels offer you the option of boosting organic posts or promoting them for a nominal fee to guarantee more people see your post. This is a good idea for those posts that do particularly well or are promoting a special offer. On different platforms, you can set up an advertisement directly from the post to increase engagement or set up a more advanced ad through the channel’s advertising platform.