Sales Enablement

Accelerating your sales growth

What is Sales Enablement

b2b, b2c, lead generation, social media, seo, ppc

Does your sales team have the tools it needs to succeed?

Reach out to us if:

  • You’re struggling to win new business
  • Your sales documents lack impact
  • Your unique value proposition is unclear
  • You’re launching a new marketing campaign

Stand out from the competition

We do more than create visually appealing sales materials. We help refine and communicate your messaging strategy to ensure your unique value is highlighted effectively.

Our Sales Enablement process bridges the gap between sales and marketing, providing the resources you need to close deals. 

Sales enablement is the process of providing sales teams with the resources, training, and support they need to increase their productivity, efficiency, and effectiveness. The goal of sales enablement is to equip salespeople with the right information, tools, and techniques to help them engage with potential customers, build relationships, and close deals.

Marketing is great to raise brand awareness and get your prospects interested in your product or service, but then what? You have a Makreting Qualified Lead (MQL) but how do you get it across the finish line if you are not selling e-commerce.

What is Next? Beyond Marketing

Sales enablement involves a range of activities, such as developing sales collateral, creating sales training programs, providing ongoing coaching and feedback, and leveraging technology to improve sales processes. By enabling sales teams to operate at peak performance, organizations can achieve greater revenue growth, improve customer satisfaction, and increase market share.

Discover how we can help.

How can a Marketing Agency Support my Sales Team

Develop sales collateral:

EWR Digital can create sales materials such as brochures, presentations, and case studies that sales teams can use to communicate the value of the company’s products or services to potential customers.

Develop sales training programs:

We can create sales training programs that teach sales teams about the company’s products, target audience, and competitive landscape. These programs can help sales teams build their product knowledge, improve their sales skills, and learn how to engage with potential customers effectively.

Provide ongoing coaching and support:

EWR Digital can provide ongoing coaching and support to sales teams, helping them to refine their sales techniques, address customer objections, and close more deals.

Implement sales enablement technology:

We can help the company identify and implement sales enablement technology, such as customer relationship management (CRM) systems, that can improve sales processes and provide better visibility into the sales pipeline.

Social Selling

Social selling is the use of social media networks and platforms to establish and nurture relationships with potential customers, with the ultimate goal of driving sales. It involves leveraging social media to engage with prospects, share valuable content, and build trust and credibility over time.

Tools to Close the Deal

Once we’ve articulated your strategic competitive advantage, we’ll design the essential sales tools to seal the deal:

  • PowerPoint Presentations
  • Capabilities Brochures
  • Product Data Sheets

We’ve developed messaging strategies and sales materials for some of the world’s largest organizations. Let us do the same for you.

Marketing Workshops by EWR Digital
Sales Material

Our marketing experts have been published on


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Entrepreneur Logo

Benefits of Sales Enablement Support

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Improved Sales Productivity and Efficiency

Sales enablement support can help your sales team work more efficiently and effectively, enabling them to close more deals in less time. By providing your sales team with the tools, training, and support they need, you can help them streamline their workflows, prioritize their activities, and focus on the most promising opportunities. This can result in increased sales productivity, shorter sales cycles, and higher win rates.

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Increased Revenue and Profitability

By improving the effectiveness of your sales team, sales enablement support can help you generate more revenue and improve your profitability. With a more productive and efficient sales team, you can close more deals, increase the value of each sale, and reduce the cost of sales. This can lead to higher revenue, better margins, and a stronger bottom line.

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More Effective Sales Strategies and Tactics

By providing your sales team with the training and support they need, sales enablement support can help you develop more effective sales strategies and tactics. With a better understanding of your target audience and competitive landscape, and the skills and knowledge to engage with potential customers effectively, your sales team can develop more targeted and personalized sales approaches that resonate with your customers. This can result in higher win rates, shorter sales cycles, and better customer engagement.


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Sales Enablement Support Services

At EWR Digital, we beyond that sales and marketing should be attached at the hip and be working together on all things. We offer a range of sales enablement support services to help enterprise companies maximize the effectiveness of their sales teams and improve poor outcomes after MQL’s are produced. Our services include:

A. Sales Collateral Development: Well-designed sales collateral can be a powerful tool for engaging potential customers and communicating the value of your products or services. Our team of experienced designers and copywriters can help you create professional, visually compelling sales collateral that resonates with your target audience. Our process includes:

  • Understanding your target audience and buyer personas
  • Researching your products or services and identifying key selling points
  • Designing visually appealing sales collateral that reflects your brand identity
  • Writing compelling copy that communicates your value proposition (USP) and benefits
  • Iterating on designs and messaging based on feedback and data
  • Ingration and development of “soft marketing”” and MQL strartegies

B. Sales Training Programs: An effective sales training program can help your sales team build their product knowledge, improve their sales techniques, and learn how to engage with potential customers effectively. At EWR Digital, we can develop and deliver customized sales training programs that are tailored to your company’s products, target audience, and competitive landscape. Our process includes:

  • Conducting a needs analysis to identify gaps in your sales team’s skills and knowledge
  • Developing training materials and exercises that are relevant to your sales team’s needs
  • Delivering in-person or virtual training sessions that are engaging and interactive
  • Providing ongoing coaching and support to reinforce training concepts and help your sales team improve over time

C. Ongoing Coaching and Support: Sales enablement is an ongoing process, and providing your sales team with ongoing coaching and support can help ensure that they are continually improving and maximizing their sales effectiveness. At EWR Digital, we can provide ongoing coaching and support to your sales team through:

  • Regular check-ins to review performance and provide feedback
  • Role-playing exercises to practice sales techniques and objection handling
  • Coaching on specific deals or opportunities to help your sales team close more deals
  • Best practices and tips on how to improve productivity and efficiency
  • Developing a first call sales meeting agenda with a prospect.

D. Sales Enablement Technology: Sales enablement technology can help your sales team work more efficiently and effectively, providing them with the tools they need to manage leads, track sales progress, and communicate with customers. At EWR Digital, we can help you identify and implement sales enablement technology that meets your company’s specific needs. Our services include:

  • Conducting a needs analysis to identify gaps in your current sales technology stack
  • Recommending and implementing sales enablement technology that aligns with your sales process and workflows
  • Providing training and support to ensure that your sales team is able to use the technology effectively
  • Ongoing monitoring and optimization to ensure that the technology is driving results for your business

E. Market Research: Understanding your target audience and competitive landscape is critical to developing effective sales strategies and tactics. At EWR Digital, we can conduct market research to help you gain insights into your target audience, identify opportunities for growth, and develop sales strategies that are tailored to your customers’ needs and preferences. Our market research services include:

  • Conducting customer surveys to understand customer needs, pain points, and preferences
  • Analyzing competitive landscape to identify areas of differentiation and competitive advantage
  • Segmenting the market to identify target audiences and develop targeted sales strategies
  • Providing actionable insights and recommendations based on research findings

In summary, EWR Digital’s sales enablement support services are designed to help enterprise companies improve the effectiveness of their sales teams through a range of customized solutions. Whether you need help developing sales collateral, implementing sales enablement technology

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Get Started with Sales Enablement Support

Ready to take your sales team to the next level? Contact EWR Digital today to learn more about our comprehensive sales enablement support services. Our expert team can help you equip your sales reps with the tools, training, and resources they need to close more deals and drive revenue growth. Don’t wait – schedule a consultation with us today and discover how we can help your business achieve sales success.

Not Convinced Yet?

Check out this Top-Rated Sales and Marketing Podcast that our Lead Strategist, Matthew Bertram, is the Co-Host of and decide for yourself:

Oil and Gas Sales and Marketing