Automotive Marketing

10 Benefits of a Mobile-Friendly Website for Digital Marketing

10 Benefits of a Mobile-Friendly Website for Digital Marketing

As of this year, there are about 1.7 billion websites with less than 300 million active ones. More websites spawn every day by the thousands. Businesses have set their eyes towards the internet for a wider reach. The aim is simple: to bring in more customers with this...

SEO Business Plan: 7 Effective SEO Strategies You Should Be Using

SEO Business Plan: 7 Effective SEO Strategies You Should Be Using

Do you want to create an SEO business plan that will effectively boost your website’s visibility and ranking? Search engine optimization (SEO) plays a crucial role in keeping your website visible and ensuring it appears at the top of search results. It serves as a foundation for digital marketing strategies, but achieving high ranks requires careful planning and a deep understanding of search engine algorithms. If you’re new to the online industry, understanding SEO may seem like deciphering abstract art.

To help you navigate the world of SEO, we have compiled a list of the seven most effective strategies for your business. By incorporating these SEO trends and techniques into your plan, you can enhance your website’s visibility, outrank competitors, and drive more organic traffic to your site.

5 Essential Page Optimizations for Local Organic SEO

5 Essential Page Optimizations for Local Organic SEO

Local SEO optimization is essential for brick-and-mortar businesses to ensure that customers searching for them can find them easily. While maintaining a Google Business Profile is crucial, it’s equally important to leverage page optimizations for local organic SEO throughout the entire website to improve local rankings and help potential customers find the business. On-page optimization tips for local organic SEO include making sure that the business’s name, address, and phone number are consistent across all online platforms, creating content that showcases the business’s strengths, optimizing header tags, and setting up internal linking. Local business schema and regular monitoring using tools like Local Search Results Tools, Geo-Grid Local Ranking Tools, and Google Business Profile Analytics are essential for evaluating the success of the on-page optimizations for local organic SEO.

Local Seo: What It Is And Why You Need It

Local Seo: What It Is And Why You Need It

What Is Local SEO? Get found online Faster By More People With Accurate Information Get your business in front of the people who want what you sell You’ve heard of SEO before – it means Search Engine Optimization. Well, Local SEO is just another form of search engine...

10 Secrets To Local SEO Ranking For Customer Acquisition

10 Secrets To Local SEO Ranking For Customer Acquisition

Google reports that “near me” searches keep trending up. In 2018, local SEO ranking was up 200 percent, which surpassed growth from the previous year. Local search showed no signs of slowing down either. Additionally, these local searchers were more likely to make a...

How To Market Your Car Dealership

How To Market Your Car Dealership

It's that time when people are looking beyond pushy sales tactics, and car dealership marketing is getting intense. From billboards and advertising, to your website, there’s a sales opportunity waiting at every turn if you knock on the right doors. Adding to this,...

Understanding the Timeline for SEO Results: How Long Does It Take?

Understanding the Timeline for SEO Results: How Long Does It Take?

Wondering how long it takes to achieve first-page rankings on Google? The truth is, there’s no definitive answer. With search engine algorithms constantly evolving, only the Google engineers truly know what’s happening behind the scenes. In this article, SEO strategist Matt Bertram sheds light on the timeline for SEO results and emphasizes the importance of patience. While it can vary depending on factors like competition and keyword difficulty, most experts agree that it typically takes four to six months to start seeing noticeable improvements. SEO is a long-term investment, akin to running a marathon rather than a sprint. Learn about the various stages of SEO and the activities involved in a 4-6 month plan to enhance your website’s organic visibility and search engine rankings. Trust the process and understand that SEO is a holistic strategy that delivers results over time. If you’re ready to dive into SEO or need a second opinion on your current campaign, consult with trusted SEO agencies like EWR Digital for expert guidance and unlock the potential of untapped traffic.