Pool Builder Marketing Can Boost Your Business

Nov 15, 2018

<a href="https://www.ewrdigital.com/author/adamewrdigital-com" target="_self">Adam Gregory</a>

Adam Gregory

Award Winning Digital Marketing Consultant - Pool Marketing Expert | US Army Combat Veteran
Pentair, orenda, haviland, zodiac, pool and hot tube alliance, Pool Spa Operators

A good pool builder marketing strategy can truly skyrocket your sales. While it takes a hefty amount of research and hard work, a competitive pool builder marketing strategy can dramatically increase your online visibility and directly contribute to more customers.

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Things to Consider for Your Pool Builder Marketing Plan

When it comes to great pool builder marketing, there are several avenues of content to pay attention to. Your landing page, blog, email lists, paid ads, and social media accounts are all intricately connected.

Building a strong pool builder marketing plan means making sure all of those items are connected so users can flow easily from place to place and arrive at your landing page organically.

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Organic Traffic Matters

What does “organically” mean, anyway?

Organic web traffic is basically when a user arrives to your site because of their own search query. Organic users are often your strongest potential clients because they’ve reached your site through their own efforts. A healthy combination of smart pool builder marketing tactics can help you increase your organic traffic and eventually boost your sales.

A blog can really help you boost organic traffic.

Keep Updating Your Blog

One of the biggest contributors to organic traffic is maintaining a healthy, high-quality blog. Adding a pool to your landscape is a major investment, and most people are going to do a fair amount of research before reaching for their wallet.

If your blog provides in-depth information on commonly searched questions like how to find a contractor or maintain a pool, you’ll build the reputation that your company is knowledgeable, helpful, and trustworthy.

Keep your blog relevant, valuable, and up-to-date.

Plus, regularly updating your blog with strong content will help drive relevant internet users to your site with a little thing called SEO, or search engine optimization, an important component in pool builder marketing.

Ensure your website answers Frequently Asked Questions, like:

  • how to winterize a pool
  • what does pool cleaning include
  • how often should I clean my filter

When your website answers commonly searched questions like these, Google bumps you up in its search results. The more traffic you get, the higher you’ll appear in related search queries. Over time, this will slowly increase amount of relevant traffic coming to your site.

Other Great Tools

Another major pool builder marketing tool you can use to boost your business is social media. Social media allows you to create relationships with customers and show some personality, again, building trust with your audience.

Fun and family-oriented posts on Instagram and Facebook can encourage customers to interact with you and tag you in their posts.

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While your blog and social media accounts can do wonders to draw in traffic, you can use other pool builder marketing techniques to up the ante. Having a well-targeted email list and pay-per-click advertising can help you reconnect with customers you’ve already piqued an interest in.

If your ads drive users to your homepage, blog, or social media accounts, they’ll should be clicking into a world of high-quality content and useful information to keep them engaged.

Build a Winning Marketing Strategy with EWR Digital

But it’s no easy feat to manage a website, blog, email list, paid ads, and social media on your own. If you’re looking for an expert in pool builder marketing, EWR Digital can help. Contact us today and request a 15-minute call with one of our experts. Give us a call at 713-592-6724 to get started!

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Pool Builder Marketing Can Boost Your Business | EWR Digital – Houston, TX

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