How to Measure the Impact of Brand Storytelling

Feb 20, 2024

<a href="" target="_self">Matt Bertram</a>

Matt Bertram

Matt Bertram is a award-winning marketing consultant and SEO Expert. He is the lead digital strategist at EWR Digital. Host of the Best SEO Podcast and Co-Host of the Oil and Gas sales and marketing podcast.
brand storytelling

In an era dominated by digital content, brands are increasingly turning to storytelling to forge meaningful connections with their audience. However, the success of these narratives often hinges on the ability to measure their impact. Let’s explore the key performance indicators (KPIs) and tools that can help you navigate this journey.

So, back in the day, companies were all about pushing products and shouting their features from the rooftops. It was like they were saying, “Hey, look at us! We’ve got the best thingamajig in town, and you better buy it!” But you know what? People weren’t really feeling it. They were like, “Sure, your thingamajig is cool and all, but why should I care?”

Enter brand storytelling. Someone, somewhere along the line, had a lightbulb moment and realized that people don’t just buy products; they buy into stories. They want to feel a connection, a sense of belonging. And thus, the era of brand storytelling was born.

Instead of bombarding consumers with boring ads, companies started weaving narratives around their brands. They tapped into emotions, values, and experiences. They painted vivid pictures of how their products fit into people’s lives, making them the heroes of their own stories.

Think about it. Nike isn’t just selling sneakers; they’re selling the idea of pushing your limits and achieving greatness. Apple isn’t just selling phones and computers; they’re selling innovation and creativity. These brands have mastered the art of storytelling, and it’s what sets them apart from the competition.

But it’s not just about spinning a good yarn. Brand storytelling is about authenticity, consistency, and resonance. It’s about building trust and forging lasting connections with your audience.

And you know what’s really cool? In today’s digital age, brand storytelling has gone beyond traditional advertising. With social media, blogs, videos, and podcasts, companies have more opportunities than ever to share their stories and engage with their audience on a deeper level.

Why is Brand Storytelling Important

Think about your favorite brands. What makes them stick in your mind? Sure, they might have great products or services, but there’s something more, right? That’s where brand storytelling comes into play.

Imagine you’re at a party, and someone starts telling a fascinating story. You’re hooked from the get-go, hanging onto every word, feeling all the emotions they’re putting out there. That’s the power of storytelling. It draws you in, makes you feel something, and leaves a lasting impression.

“Stories are a communal currency of humanity.” – Simon Sinek

Now, apply that to brands. When a company tells a compelling story, it’s like they’re inviting you into their world. They’re not just selling a product; they’re sharing their values, their mission, their journey. And guess what? That resonates with people. It creates a connection that goes beyond a simple transaction.

Plus, in today’s noisy digital world, standing out is tougher than ever. Brand storytelling is like a secret weapon. It helps brands cut through the clutter, grab attention, and make a real impact on their audience.

But it’s not just about grabbing attention; it’s about building trust. When a brand shares authentic stories, it shows they’re more than just a faceless corporation. They’re made up of real people with real stories. And that builds trust. It makes people feel like they’re part of something bigger, like they’re supporting a cause they believe in.

And you know what happens when people trust a brand? They stick around. They become loyal customers, advocates even. They’ll shout your brand’s story from the rooftops, spreading the word far and wide.

So, yeah, brand storytelling is pretty darn important. It’s not just about selling stuff; it’s about creating connections, building trust, and making a real impact in people’s lives. And that’s something every brand should strive for.

  1. Brand Trust: A survey by Edelman found that 81% of consumers need to trust a brand before they buy from it. Authentic storytelling plays a significant role in building trust, with 63% of consumers stating they would buy from a company they perceive as authentic. Source: Edelman Trust Barometer
  2. Brand Recall: Brand storytelling contributes to better brand recall among consumers. In a study by OneSpot, 92% of consumers want ads to feel like a story, and 56% of consumers believe that the best brands are the ones that tell stories. Source:
  3. Purchase Intent: Storytelling has a direct impact on purchase intent. Research by Google and Motista found that consumers who feel an emotional connection to a brand are 3 times more likely to repurchase and recommend it to others. Source: Think with Google

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for Brand Storytelling:

  1. Engagement Metrics: Track likes, shares, comments, and overall interaction with your brand content. High engagement signals an audience that is actively connecting with your story.
  2. Brand Mentions and Sentiment Analysis: Monitor social media, reviews, and online mentions to gauge how your brand is being discussed. Sentiment analysis tools can provide insights into the emotional tone associated with your brand.
  3. Conversion Rates: Analyze how your storytelling impacts conversion rates. Are customers taking the desired actions after engaging with your narrative?
  4. Audience Reach and Impressions: Measure the reach of your brand story across various channels. The broader the reach, the more likely your narrative is resonating with a wider audience.

Tools and Methodologies for Tracking and Analysis:

  • Google Analytics: Leverage the power of Google Analytics to track website traffic, user behavior, and conversions. Set up custom dashboards to specifically monitor the performance of pages or campaigns tied to your brand storytelling.
  • Social Media Analytics Tools: Platforms like Hootsuite, Sprout Social, or Buffer provide in-depth insights into social media performance. Track the reach, engagement, and sentiment of your brand storytelling across different social channels.
  • Surveys and Feedback Forms: Direct feedback from your audience is invaluable. Use surveys and feedback forms to gather qualitative data on how well your brand story is resonating and areas for improvement.
  • Heatmaps and User Journey Tools: Tools like Crazy Egg or Hotjar can visually represent how users interact with your website. Analyzing heatmaps helps you understand which parts of your brand story are capturing attention and where users may be disengaging.

Conclusion: In the ever-evolving world of brand storytelling, success lies not only in the narrative itself but in the ability to measure its impact. By incorporating these key performance indicators and leveraging advanced tracking tools, you can refine your brand storytelling strategy and ensure it resonates powerfully with your audience.