8 Steps To Awesome Web Design

Oct 22, 2018

<a href="https://www.ewrdigital.com/author/qays-zubaidiewrdigital-com" target="_self">Qays Zubaidi</a>

Qays Zubaidi

Senior Web Developer

A well-designed website is a lot more than being beautiful.

It needs to align with the company’s strategy, attracts more visitors, and helps customers understand your products and services.

More so, it needs appeals to those who are going to be using it, sharing it with their friends, and bringing you the business.

A neat site also as a branding activity that encompasses visuals, text, and interactions. If you want awesome web design, you need a holistic approach that combines both form and function.

Let’s look at how a well-designed website can help you achieve your marketing goals:

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1. Start with a Solid Plan

Write down the adjectives that define your brand, your idea of success, your target audience, and the features you want in your website. A design plan is a great way to lay a strong foundation for success.

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2. Pick Your Platform

Once you have a plan ready, you need to decide whether you’re going to use a hosted website builder or an open-source code-it-yourself option. Based on your experience and budget, you can make an informed decision.

The customer experience that you provide will be the most important branding feature, passing both price and product, by 2020.

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3. Set the Foundation

It’s time to focus on the navigation and layout. Your home page is like a shop window, so it needs to be attractive and have enough substance to retain visitors. Think about logo positioning, sitemap, easy navigation and other links.

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4. Choose Your Theme or Design Your Own Template

You can pick a theme or template from countless options available. If you like, you can also design your own website from scratch. Pick the color schemes and fonts and make sure they align with your brand. A golden rule with fonts is to never sacrifice readability for style!

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5. Create the Content

Once you have a road map ready, it’s time to start writing SEO-friendly and user-friendly content. Keep the content crisp, catchy, and customer-centric.

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6. Get Creative with Pictures

This step will transform your website from a simple design into a visual treat. Don’t overload your site with heavy images that will make it difficult to load. Instead, choose a few attractive and engaging pictures that will work for your website. Make sure to optimize them to a smaller size so they won’t slow down your site.

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7. Test the Waters

After the design is ready, it’s time to test it. You can show it to focus groups or friends and family to get valuable feedback. Also, after development, ensure that testing it complete to see if all aspects of the website are working fine.

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8. Get. Set. Launch

It’s time to show your web design to the world. Publish the website, share it on social media, and update it on a regular basis to enjoy the results of your hard work!

Web design can seem challenging in the beginning. Even so, with a step-by-step strategy, you can create a stunning website that works wonders for your business.

Get Started With a Beautiful and Functional Site with EWR Digital

Website design is the beautiful way that graphics, ads and text are arranged. In the web world, a key goal is to help the viewer find the information they seek quickly and easily.  To understand more on how EWR Digital can help you, contact us at 713-592-6724 today!

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8 Steps to Awesome Web Design | EWR Digital – Houston, TX