How To Choose A Marketing Agency

Jul 20, 2018

<a href="" target="_self">Matt Bertram</a>

Matt Bertram

Matt Bertram is a award-winning marketing consultant and SEO Expert. He is the lead digital strategist at EWR Digital. Host of the Best SEO Podcast and Co-Host of the Oil and Gas sales and marketing podcast.

Choosing a Marketing Agency

If you’ve been in business a while and are wanting to grow, you might be wondering if a marketing agency can help.

Common questions asked include:

What can they do for me and my website? Will they be able to improve my Google ranking? And how do I go about choosing one, anyway?

Read on to see how to choose the best marketing agency for you and your business.

Do You Need a Marketing Agency?

Checking the websites a marketing agency has done gives insight into what they can do for you. 

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1. Check Their Clients’ Websites

When you’re talking to a prospective marketing agency, ask to see their clients’ websites. Any agency can tell you they do good work. The only way to fact-check that is to look at their clients’ pages.

What are the websites like? Are their blogs engaging? How many followers/likes do their social media accounts have? Do you think the content is reaching the target audience?

This not only gives you a sense of what their capabilities are, but it also gives you a snapshot of what you might get as a client. This also works for their own website. If they can do something for a client’s website, they should have no problem doing it on their own website as well.

Find Out How a Marketing Agency Can Help You

Blogs work best when they’re written with the common person in mind.

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2. What Are Their Resources?

Does your prospective marketing agency have a blog or podcast? If so, subscribe and take it all in. What kind of content do they provide? Are the podcasts just hour long ads for their business? Or do they give real business growing tips and information?

As with their cliens’ blogs, check their own blog’s writing style. Is it engaging? Does it use everyday language that’s easy to understand or do they use complicated terms without properly explaining them?

Blogs work best when they’re written with the common person in mind. If you need a dictionary to help you understand what the blog is about, think about what it would be like for your potential readers.

Get the Resources You Need

No industry is exactly alike and a great marketing agency will understand that.

3. Does Their Marketing Plan Suit Your Needs?

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Does your prospective marketing agency have experience in your industry? If not, can they translate the experience they do have into your industry?

No industry is exactly alike and a great marketing agency will understand that. They won’t send you a “cookie cutter” plan that anyone can use. They’ll work with you to craft a plan that has actionable steps you can take immediately to grow your business.

Get a Marketing Plan That Suits You!

A great marketing agency will know that your business is your baby.

4. How Long Did They Talk To You? When You Talked, Did They Listen?

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When you first spoke with your perspective marketing agency did they give you their spiel and move on? Or did they take the time to answer all your questions and concerns?

A great marketing agency will know that your business is your baby. You’ve put in the man-hours to ensure it has everything it needs to succeed. They should do the same for you by talking with you as long as you need and answering all your questions.

They should also tailor their speaking style to you during your conversations. Do you like a little chit-chat before you get down to business? Or do you like the facts straight up? These are important things a great marketing agency can sense from you.

We Can Answer All Your Questions

A great marketing agency knows that growth takes time.

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5. If They Guarantee You The #1 Spot on Google, Run!

As we have written about before, it’s never good when a marketing agency claims they can get you high rankings on day one. If your prospective marketing agency tells you they can guarantee high rankings fast, don’t hire them.

A good marketing agency knows that growth takes time. It’s not going to happen overnight. It takes months of careful planning, action, and weekly check-ins from your marketing agency to see solid results.

Starbucks can guarantee you the freshest cup of coffee because they control when and how it’s brewed. A great marketing agency knows it’s impossible to control the search results.  Rand Fishkin from goes says it’s even unethical to make that claim because of how little agencies can control. According to Rand Fishkin Agencies should instead guarantee they’ll get your website more traffic. 

“What search engine optimization companies can & should guarantee is that they’ll provide the best advice possible to help your site earn more traffic.

Let EWR Digital Grow Your Business Today!

If you have a website that needs more visibility or you’re wondering just what a marketing agency can do for you, click below or call EWR Digital at (713) 592-6724. Let us start the growth process today!

Call Now!

How to Choose a Marketing Agency | EWR Digital – Houston, TX