Building a Digital Strategy for Your Business

Jan 9, 2023

<a href="" target="_self">Matt Bertram</a>

Matt Bertram

Matt Bertram is a award-winning marketing consultant and SEO Expert. He is the lead digital strategist at EWR Digital. Host of the Best SEO Podcast and Co-Host of the Oil and Gas sales and marketing podcast.
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The changing digital marketing landscape has pushed companies to adapt and use new technologies and techniques to improve business performance. Without a solid digital strategy, it can be challenging to implement measures for true digital transformation, or how organizations transform and make use of opportunities brought about by new or emerging digital technologies.

To keep up with an increasingly digital world, enterprise businesses should start looking into crafting their own digital strategies. This would allow them to enjoy benefits, such as expanding their reach, optimizing workflows, and gaining a competitive edge.

Want to create a digital strategy for your business? Read on to find out more. 

What is Digital Strategy for Business?

A digital strategy is your plan for using technology to grow your business, improve business performance, or meet your business goals. With a clear digital strategy, an enterprise business can have the opportunity to future-proof its brand, optimize the use of digital resources, and outline the direction your company will be taking in leveraging the capabilities of technology to implement positive changes. 


A good digital strategy for your business should consider different aspects of your business, including digital marketing, advertising, and SEO. Note that the contents of your digital strategy will likely depend on factors such as your industry, your organization’s size, and your business goals. 

The Importance of Having a Digital Strategy for Your Enterprise Business

With a digital strategy in place, you’re able to enjoy benefits such as:

Minimize the Risk of Missed Opportunities

A sound digital strategy lets you identify areas for optimization. Thus, you can identify any potential weaknesses and opportunities early on, which helps prevent or minimize missed opportunities.

Expand Your Reach

According to a PEW Research Center survey, 31% of adults in the US are “almost constantly” online in 2021, with over eight-in-ten adults going online on a daily basis. This shows that a lot of people are already online. With a solid digital strategy, you’re more likely to be able to find and engage your target audience where they are and reach them on their preferred online platforms. 

Improve Product Development

A digital strategy rooted in digital transformation can help accelerate efforts for product development. For instance, using business intelligence tools allows companies to swiftly meet changing customer demands and expectations. Leveraging online feedback from customers also helps companies implement changes to improve their offerings. 

Offer Better Customer Experiences

An important part of your digital strategy should include how you utilize new technology to deliver better customer experiences. Digital transformation initiatives, such as using new technology like AI and automation, have enabled companies to improve customer relationships through simple yet functional and readily available services that offer personalized and enhanced experiences for their target audience. 

Give Your Business a Competitive Edge

Having a digital strategy for your business allows you to stand out from the crowd. This is because it lets you find opportunities to create better, more cohesive digital experiences for your audience, which can help you edge out the competition. Moreover, a digital strategy can give you a clearer idea of where your business is headed, including the goals or metrics you need to meet and what techniques you can employ to improve your chances of success. 

Building a Digital Strategy for Your Business

A good digital strategy for your business will entail a lot of planning. Make sure that you take into account the current technologies you’re using, as well as what other technologies you can use that are potentially beneficial for your business. Don’t forget to make regular assessments of your organization’s digital capacity so you can leverage technological advancements. From there, you can follow these steps to create your own digital strategy:

Determine the purpose of your digital strategy

Knowing the purpose and goals of your digital strategy helps you narrow your focus. Identifying your purpose allows you to define your next steps, such as what your corporate identity is going to be and what kind of content you’ll be making. Moreover, your goals will influence the direction of your strategy. When identifying your goals, make sure that these are measurable and specific. While a broad goal, such as growing our online reach, may be helpful, it’s not very specific and can be challenging to measure. Thus, you may want to focus on something more specific, such as growing your reach on Facebook. 

Work on your digital branding

Your branding is your identity, and this helps your target audience identify you. Identify your branding assets and create a style guide that will make your digital branding more consistent. Part of your digital branding is your story. Make sure that it’s relevant to your target audience and reflects your brand promise. 

Create audience personas and journey maps

Audience personas allow you to have a better understanding of who your audience is and what their pain points are. Journey maps let you have an idea of how your audience interacts with your brand, whether online or through other physical channels. 

Map out processes 

Your digital strategy should also include how you create and implement processes, such as how to identify and use new technological tools or how to review your data. For instance, if a new digital channel pops up, how will you and your team leverage that channel to target a new audience, and what new digital tools will you use?

Build your content strategy

Having a content strategy is an important part of your digital strategy for your business. know what your audience wants or needs, in terms of content, and how your content can add value to their lives. Identify new technologies or methods that can help you publish your content quickly and efficiently, such as a content calendar.

Identify the tools you’ll be using

Your digital strategy should also include what tools you’ll be using not only to execute your strategy but also to nurture and measure your digital campaigns. For example, you may want to use automation tools to streamline the workflow for this particular department, while you may want to introduce AI and machine learning tools for another department. 

Measure your data

The best way to determine whether your digital strategy is working is to measure your data. Did your website traffic increase? What about your engagement and conversion rates? Once you have the data and have analyzed it, you’ll have a better idea of where you’re standing and what you can do to improve your performance. 

Before you can fully embrace true digital transformation, you need to have a sound digital strategy in place. With it, you can identify opportunities for development, address potential bottlenecks, optimize operations, and enjoy better results. With a digital strategy in place, you’re also more likely to have a more successful digital transformation initiative. 

Equip your business for the digital future. Discover how EWR Digital can help you create a winning digital strategy for your enterprise business.

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