Trusted SEO Consultant | Proudly Serving Houston

Sep 26, 2023

<a href="" target="_self">Matt Bertram</a>

Matt Bertram

Matt Bertram is a award-winning marketing consultant and SEO Expert. He is the lead digital strategist at EWR Digital. Host of the Best SEO Podcast and Co-Host of the Oil and Gas sales and marketing podcast.

Why Choose Matt Bertram as Your SEO Consultant in Houston?

In the sprawling digital landscape of Houston, Texas, where businesses of all sizes compete for visibility and success, having a seasoned SEO consultant by your side can be the key to thriving. Meet Matt Bertram, your trusted guide through the intricacies of Organic Search (SEO). Let’s explore why you should hire Matt Bertram and his team as your SEO consultants whether your in Houston or throughout Texas, the risks of going it alone, the rewarding outcomes of effective SEO, address common FAQs, and detail the comprehensive services he offers, including local SEO. By the end, you’ll be ready to harness the full potential of your digital presence.

Matt Bertram - Marketing Consultant

Expertise Born Locally

With years of hands-on experience in the ever-evolving world of SEO, Matt Bertram brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the table. Having successfully navigated the digital landscape for numerous clients in Houston and beyond, Matt understands the unique challenges and opportunities presented by the local market as a local Houstonian and growing up his is whole life.

Tailored Strategies for Houston Businesses

One size does not fit all in SEO. Matt’s approach is personalized to the specific needs and goals of your business, ensuring that every strategy is finely tuned to deliver the best results for your unique circumstances.

Proven SEO Track Record

Matt Bertram’s portfolio is a testament to his ability to drive real results. From increased organic traffic to improved search engine rankings, Matt’s clients consistently experience measurable success.

The Risks of DIY SEO

Venturing into the realm of SEO without expert guidance can be fraught with risks:

  1. Wasted Resources: DIY efforts often lead to misallocation of time and resources, with no guaranteed results.
  2. Algorithm Changes: Search engine algorithms are in a state of constant flux. Keeping up with these changes is a full-time job.
  3. Ineffective Strategies: Without the right knowledge, DIY SEO can result in ineffective strategies or even penalties from search engines.

The Rewards of Effective SEO

Hiring Matt Bertram as your SEO consultant in Houston can lead to a range of tangible rewards:

  1. Increased Visibility: Boost your online visibility, making it easier for potential customers to find your business.
  2. Higher Rankings: Climb the search engine rankings, positioning your business as an authority in your niche.
  3. Enhanced Credibility: A strong online presence fosters trust and credibility among your audience.
  4. More Leads and Sales: With improved visibility and credibility, you’re likely to see an increase in leads and sales.

Common FAQs

1. How Long Does SEO Take to Show Results?

SEO is a long-term strategy, and results can take several months to become noticeable. Patience is key, but the rewards are well worth the wait.

2. Do I Need SEO for a Local Business?

Absolutely! Local SEO is essential for attracting customers in your immediate area. It ensures that your business appears in local search results and on platforms like Google Maps.

3. Is SEO Affordable for Small Businesses?

SEO services are customizable to fit various budgets. Matt Bertram works with businesses of all sizes, offering tailored solutions to meet your financial needs.

Services Provided: Local SEO and Beyond

Matt Bertram offers a comprehensive range of SEO services, including:

  1. Local SEO: Ensure that your business appears in local search results when potential customers are looking for products or services in your area.
  2. On-Page and Off-Page SEO: Optimize your website’s content and structure while building authoritative backlinks to improve your search engine rankings.
  3. Content Strategy: Develop a content plan that engages your audience and supports your SEO goals.
  4. Technical SEO: Fine-tune your website’s technical elements to enhance its search engine friendliness.

Ready to Unlock the Full Potential of Your Digital Presence?

Your journey towards digital success begins with a trusted SEO consultant in Houston, Matt Bertram. Harness the power of SEO for your business to increase visibility, credibility, and revenue. Don’t leave your digital presence to chance; partner with Matt Bertram today and watch your business soar in the competitive Houston market. Reach out now and let’s get started on your path to online success!

Matt Bertram SEO Consultant


How SEO Transformed a Houston Home Services (Plumbing) Company

In Houston city limits, where competition among home service providers is fierce, one company stood out not only for its exceptional services but also for its remarkable digital growth. This is the story of how I used SEO to transform a Texas Home Solutions company from a local service provider into a household name.

The Challenge

The client was already a decent size pluming company, it was a family-owned business, had been serving Houston for over a decade. They offered a range of home services, including plumbing and thinking about adding electrical, HVA. Despite their quality work and loyal customer base, they struggled with online visibility. Their website was outdated, their social media presence was minimal, and they were losing potential customers to competitors who had a stronger online presence. They where trying to get there through just online ads such as Google LSA ads.

The Initial Assessment

When I first met with the owners, Nick and his team they were eager to expand their business but unsure where to start. They had heard of SEO but didn’t fully understand how it could benefit them. I conducted a comprehensive audit of their online presence, identifying several key areas for improvement:

  1. Website Optimization: Their website was not mobile-friendly and had slow loading times. The content was sparse, and there were no targeted keywords.
  2. Local SEO: Despite being a local business, they were not leveraging local SEO strategies, such as Google My Business (now GBP) optimization and local citations.
  3. Content Strategy: Their blog was inactive, and they had no content plan to attract or retain customers.
  4. Link Building: Their backlink profile was weak, with few high-quality links pointing to their site.

The Strategy

To address these issues, I developed a multi-faceted SEO strategy tailored to their needs:

  1. Website Revamp: We redesigned their website to be mobile-responsive and faster. We ensured it was user-friendly and included clear calls to action. We also optimized on-page elements, such as title tags, meta descriptions, and headers, with relevant keywords.
  2. Local SEO Focus: We claimed and optimized their Google My Business listing, ensuring all information was accurate and complete. We also built local citations and encouraged satisfied customers to leave positive reviews online.
  3. Content Creation: We launched a content marketing campaign, creating blog posts, how-to guides, and videos related to home services. The content was optimized for keywords and designed to answer common customer questions.
  4. Link Building: We implemented a link-building strategy that involved reaching out to local bloggers, industry directories, and news sites to gain high-quality backlinks. We also participated in community events and sponsored local initiatives to increase brand visibility and earn more links.

The Results

Over the next six months, this company saw a significant improvement in their online presence:

  1. Increased Traffic: Organic traffic to their website increased by 150%. The new, optimized site attracted more visitors who spent more time browsing their services.
  2. Higher Rankings: Their website climbed the search engine rankings for key terms like “Houston plumbing services,” “best plumbing in Houston,” and “Houston plumber.” They consistently appeared in the top three results for local searches.
  3. More Leads: The combination of a better website and higher search rankings led to a 200% increase in online inquiries and service bookings.
  4. Enhanced Reputation: Their Google My Business page became a powerful tool, with hundreds of positive reviews and an overall rating of 4.8 stars. This boosted their credibility and attracted even more customers.
  5. Stronger Community Presence: Through local SEO and community engagement, they became more visible and trusted within the Houston area.

The Transformation

Nick were thrilled with the results. Their business was not only growing but thriving in ways they hadn’t imagined. They could hire more staff, expand their service offerings, and invest back into their community. The success of this Texas Home Solutions company became a testament to the power of a well-executed SEO strategy.

This story is a reminder that with the right approach, even small, family-owned businesses can compete and succeed in the digital age. For Nick’s company, embracing SEO didn’t just mean more business; it meant becoming a trusted name in Houston, a city they loved and served with pride! We want to help you do the same. Schedule a call today with EWR Digital for a free SEO consultantion.