Off-page SEO: Public Relations

Dec 10, 2023

<a href="" target="_self">Matt Bertram</a>

Matt Bertram

Matt Bertram is a award-winning marketing consultant and SEO Expert. He is the lead digital strategist at EWR Digital. Host of the Best SEO Podcast and Co-Host of the Oil and Gas sales and marketing podcast.
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Public Relations is Off-Page SEO

You want a great reputation for your business. But online reputation management isn’t easy. You need to have an understanding of your off-page SEO. It will tell you what your customers and reviewers are saying about you. And you need a good public relations (PR) strategy to improve that off-page SEO.

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What is Public Relations?

Public relations (PR) is a strategic communication discipline aimed at building and maintaining a positive image and reputation of a company, organization, or individual among its target audience, stakeholders, and the public at large. It involves managing and influencing public perception through various means, including both on-page and off-page activities.

Off-page PR or Offpage SEO refers to the efforts and strategies undertaken by PR professionals to enhance the reputation and visibility of their clients or organizations outside of their own controlled channels, such as their website or social media profiles. Off-page PR activities primarily focus on generating positive coverage and publicity through third-party sources, including media outlets, influencers, industry experts, and other relevant platforms.

Here are some common forms of off-page PR:

  1. Media Relations: Building relationships with journalists, reporters, and media outlets to secure positive coverage and press mentions. This includes issuing press releases, organizing press conferences, and providing journalists with relevant news and information.
  2. Influencer Outreach: Collaborating with influential individuals in various fields who have a significant following and credibility. PR professionals engage these influencers to endorse or promote their clients’ products, services, or causes to reach a wider audience.
  3. Thought Leadership: Establishing clients or organizational representatives as experts or thought leaders in their respective industries. This involves securing speaking engagements at conferences, contributing articles to industry publications, or participating in panel discussions to showcase expertise and gain credibility.
  4. Community Engagement: Participating in community events, sponsorships, or partnerships with non-profit organizations to demonstrate corporate social responsibility and foster positive relationships with the local community.
  5. Awards and Recognition: Identifying and submitting clients or organizations for relevant industry awards, honors, and recognitions. Winning or being nominated for prestigious awards helps enhance reputation and credibility.
  6. Crisis Management: Handling negative publicity or crises effectively to minimize damage to the client’s reputation. PR professionals often develop crisis communication strategies and engage with the media and public to provide accurate information, clarify misconceptions, and restore trust.

These off-page PR activities are crucial for shaping public perception, increasing brand visibility, and establishing credibility through third-party endorsements. They complement the on-page PR efforts, such as maintaining a strong online presence, creating engaging content, and managing social media platforms, to create a comprehensive public relations strategy.

Are you wondering how to use public relations for your online reputation management? We have gathered this concise guide to help you in the process. Read to find out more.

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Public Relations is the Best Reputation Management Strategy

You might think that you need public relations only if you have a large brand or a wide presence. However, in today’s digital landscape, everyone needs a PR strategy, whether you are a small business or a large enterprise.

If you are not proactively using public relations for reputation management, here are some of the issues that might hinder your progress:

  • Low Online Ranking – You can fall behind on Google SERP’s organic results. It doesn’t look professional when your potential customers search for you and can’t find you easily, or find other websites.
  • Unwanted Content – If you are a successful business, then you have review sites and bloggers talking about you. Not everything is always going to be positive. You don’t want negative reviews and chatters to dominate your online reputation, so make sure to address any complaints in a calm and timely manner.
  • Self-Inflicted Reputation Damage – Public relations is about emphasizing the positive and minimizing the negative. Every business makes mistakes on social media or advertisements. A good PR strategy gives you an opportunity to heal those wounds. Otherwise, the wounds can fester. If you don’t approach your off-page SEO with a public relations mindset, a small spark can turn into a full-blown fire.
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Techniques for Effective Public Relations and Reputation Management

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You can’t control everything about your off-page SEO. So you need strategies to ethically monitor and influence your reputation. Here are some PR tools and ideas you can use:

Monitor your online reputation regularly. If you know what is happening, you can minimize the damage. At the minimum, use Google Alerts to find out what people are saying about you. Also, there are other tools like Social Mention and Trackur to keep track of your online reputation.

Make friends with journalists, bloggers, and influencers. They can help you boost your off-page SEO during times of peace and help you out in a time of crisis. However, you can’t ask them out of the blue. So build a relationship over time. Also, make sure you don’t do anything unethical regarding influencing reviews or opinions. It can become a PR nightmare in itself.

Ensure your content has the right message. Your off-page SEO content is a reflection of what you put on your website. So target the right audience with the right message. Especially if you are targeting a niche market, your public relations messages need to be on-point. Otherwise, your website will start attracting the wrong crowd which can lead to bad reviews and unwanted attention.

Use social media for brand and reputation management. You can use platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, LinkedIn and more to spread keywords and ideas about your brand. This information will get echoed from platform to platform and help you create the image you want out there. It’s a free and powerful tool in your arsenal for effective public relations.

Get Help From Off-Page SEO Experts and Public Relations Professionals Today!

Are you having difficulty with your online reputation management? Are you worried that you are not ready for a public relations crisis? We can help.

Find out more by talking to our experts today! We’ll craft you a marketing plan that works for you to increase your ranking and grow your business.

EWR Digital is a great PR agency that’s been helping businesses grow since opening its doors in 1999. Get to know us better. Interested in a 20-minute call with one of our marketing experts? Schedule Today!

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Off-Page SEO: Public Relations | EWR Digital – Houston, TX