Content Marketing Trends to Embrace in 2024

Jan 13, 2022

<a href="" target="_self">Matt Bertram</a>

Matt Bertram

Matt Bertram is a award-winning marketing consultant and SEO Expert. He is the lead digital strategist at EWR Digital. Host of the Best SEO Podcast and Co-Host of the Oil and Gas sales and marketing podcast.
How to Create Actionable Content min

We understand how important it is for a business owner to keep their thumb on the marketing pulse. Marketing trends shift each year. Those marketing trend shifts are fueled by a number of factors. It could be new technology or consumer evolution causing these marketing trends to ebb and flow.

If your business is focused on growth in 2022, you need a marketing team ready to position your business for success. This is why I gathered my team for a content marketing breakdown. Because at the heart of any powerful marketing strategy is content. Content plays a key role in video marketing, social media marketing, search optimization, crypto marketing, and more.

For example, B2B content marketing budgets are projected to increase by 66 percent in 2022.

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Pivoting your business to check the following content marketing trends for 2022 will prove valuable. Do you have a strong content marketing plan to dominate 2022, leaving competing businesses in your growth and success wake?

It’s all about marketing. Let’s get to it!

Google E-A-T is Essential to Content Marketing Growth in 2022

SEO goes hand-in-hand with content marketing. What good is content if a business’ audience never sees it online?

Landing content on page one Google SERPs was never easy. It takes SEO savvy, in-depth keyword research, and other optimization tactics. In 2022, the game continues to change in regards to SEO and content marketing, which is why Google’s Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness (E-A-T) in searchable content is important.

Google E-A-T is all about creating an exceptional content experience. If your business’ content displays trust and empathy while boasting authority on the topic, Google may reward you with a top spot in SERPs.

Creating E-A-T content across a variety of formats is also vital. For instance, developing tons of E-A-T content in video, audio, and VR/AR formats. Learn more about Google E-A-T in our three-part series.

Video Content Marketing is #1 Priority

Video is still the top format for content marketing. If your business has yet to employ videos for growth, the time is now. Last year, video was above all for content marketing strategy.

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There is no indication 2022 will be different. According to HubSpot’s Not Another State of Marketing Report, videos were the most utilized and most effective marketing format.

Video needs to be part of your overall content marketing mash-up this year. The ROI on video content is exceptional. You can turn any form of content you already have into a video. For example, you can take your top five best-performing blogs of 2021 and transform them into videos, extending the value of the content.

You can use fresh video marketing content for other marketing formats. This year, videos you develop for marketing can be transcribed into a blog, edited into short clips for social media, turned into audio, and more.

Video content marketing should also be part of your business’ website sales funnel. You can create video content for products and services, testimonials, case studies, and key branding elements.

Need help storyboarding and creating high-quality, personalized video content that converts? We have a videography team that delivers results.

Crypto Marketing and Branding = Next Level Growth

One of the most exciting content marketing trends to embrace in 2022 is crypto marketing and branding. Crypto marketing and branding can produce next-level growth. From global companies to small businesses, crypto marketing serves as a key business differentiator today, as well as in the future.

There are a few exciting approaches to crypto marketing and branding. Cryptocurrency is now mainstream, and consumers are eager to buy products and services via cryptocurrency. Companies like Starbucks, AT&T, Overstock, and others accept cryptocurrency as a form of payment.

Accepting crypto sets your business apart from competitors. It also opens up your business to a new customer base and market. Creating crypto content marketing campaigns and injecting crypto content into your overall branding strategy opens these doors.

Dallas Mavericks owner, Mark Cuban, said it best, “We have chosen to do so because sometimes in business you have to do things that are fun, engaging and hopefully generate a lot of PR. So we will take Dogecoin today, tomorrow, and possibly forever more.”

Crypto marketing comes in other forms too. For instance, developing a Non-Fungible Token (NFT) content marketing campaign. NFTs are gaining momentum with marketers employing crypto marketing content in the form of NFTs. This is also a very creative and exciting way to leverage crypto marketing for business growth and success.

For example, McDonald’s paired its cult following behind the McRib sandwich with NFT crypto marketing.

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The media coverage on the McRib NFT is certainly a call to action for any company looking to take content marketing efforts to the next level via crypto marketing and branding. Learn more about how our crypto marketing team can help.

Live Content Continues To Produce Powerful ROI

It is time to get social with your business. Nearly all online interactions are happening via social media, and content marketing trends are worth exploring. One of social media’s top content marketing trends to embrace in 2022 is going LIVE. Going live is certainly nothing new. However, many businesses have yet to tap into this form of content marketing.

Live content marketing has the unprecedented ability to deliver reliable and authentic content to a business’ target audience. And it is all happening on social media.

Think about it as a consumer. Would you rather read a blog about a company, product, and service or watch a live stream with the same content via YouTube or Facebook?

The latter is probably going to win every time. This is why the ROI on live content marketing is unmatched.

For example, Facebook Live videos produce six times more engagement than a regular video. Facebook Live videos may also be skipping the Facebook algorithm gatekeeper. Meaning Facebook Live videos get greater visibility.

Visibility and engagement like this can cut your social media ad spend. Just be sure your live stream content is of value to the audience.

Social Media Content Marketing is Paramount

Social media needs to be a major part of your business’ content marketing plan in 2022. And I’m not talking about the text and image posts of the past. Your social media content marketing game needs to be personal, authentic, and consistent. How do you do this? Video content and video content social platforms.

Above we have covered the importance of videos and going live with content marketing. Your business must embrace these content marketing trends in 2022 for massive growth and success. However, it would be best to take it a step further with videos.

For example, developing social media content marketing campaigns for TikTok, Instagram Stories, and YouTube. This will compliment your Facebook social strategy.

TikTok is especially important. TikTok is a social media platform all about videos with over 1 billion users.

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You can bet a few of your competitors are planning on utilizing TikTok for marketing. It is estimated that 67 percent of marketers will increase TikTok marketing this year. “TikTok allows brands to engage with users through video, only in shorter, bite-sized clips,” Marly Broudie noted in a Social Media Examiner article. “On Tiktok, you can find everyone from influencers and celebrities to politicians and the average Joe.”

Instagram Stories and Facebook Stories are paramount to your social media content marketing strategy. For instance, Facebook Stories drives a ton of website traffic. According to Facebook, 58 percent of people visit a brand’s site after watching Story via Facebook Stories.

That is exceptional engagement. But your business’ Facebook Stories campaigns need to be geared for engagement. A Story needs to be easy to consume and deliver actionable advice or new product details. Since your focus will be on video content this year, it shouldn’t be too difficult to create videos that spark engagement for your Facebook Stories.

Let Influencers Create Content for Your Business

One of the best content marketing trends to embrace in 2022 is all about letting someone else create content for your business. Influencer marketing is one of the top marketing strategies you can have in your marketing tool kit. And utilizing influencers has powerful ROI potential.

According to the Digital Marketing Institute, influencer marketing earns approximately $5.78 for every dollar spent on influencer campaigns. This is simply due to the trust an influencer builds with their audience. But not all influencers are created equal. It is ideal to start with nano-influencers and micro-influencers. These types of influencers have smaller followings, greater engagement, and cost less.

You also want to ensure the influencers you partner with have the audience you want to reach. For example, an influencer following that’s already interested in products and services similar to your business will be an influencer recipe for success.

Make 2022 Your Year for Massive Business Growth

By pivoting your business to include the above content marketing trends, 2022 can be a year of massive business growth. Even implementing a few of these content marketing trends can prove valuable. However, we know how much time and resources go into marketing efforts, regardless of how big or small your company may be.

This is why the EWR Digital team is ready to assist your business in meeting its goals for growth this year. Interested in learning how we can help? From website audits to SEO and videography, please contact us for a complimentary consultation today.

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