How an SEO Company Can Boost Your Traffic Through Blogging

Nov 1, 2023

<a href="" target="_self">Qays Zubaidi</a>

Qays Zubaidi

Senior Web Developer
Search Demand Curve min

Blogging is the cornerstone of SEO. It can be a great tool for increasing your website’s traffic and generating a following of loyal, repeated users but most important connect with your target audience.

Unfortunately, many businesses and influencers who host blogs find it challenging to establish a strong readership base, I think this is because they are not really working at it our someone else is ghost writing it for them and there has not been enough research and planning to make it authentic.

David Meerman Scott: “The web is not a channel for your existing marketing and PR programs; it’s a different model entirely. Marketing on the web is about delivering content at the precise moment your audience needs it.” (NewsVoir)​.

Attracting readers—and keeping them interested—requires a significant amount of legwork and effort in the right direction. There’s so much available content online for users to engage with that it’s necessary to make yours the most appealing to their interests and needs and targeted to them.

With this goal in mind, many have discovered that working alongside an SEO company specializing in strong blogging capabilities can give you a significant advantage in the SERPS and help you develop a successful strategy for improving your website’s traffic and increasing brand awareness.

Regardless of the industry you represents, your audience can benefit from the advice of experts with proven experience and this can help you establish yourself as a subject matter experts and start to create a robust online presence.

Can Blogging Help You Increase Your Web Traffic?

With innovations in social media and web 2.0 sites, blogging has evolved and exploded, and now, it’s established as a tried-and-true method of connecting with your target audience and driving traffic to your website. Influencers and businesses alike use blogging to speak directly to their audiences and provide unique insight that keeps users coming back for more. Blogging gives you a powerful platform for engaging users—you can generate their interest in your content and encourage them to engage further by visiting your website—and building a following that boosts your site’s reputation.

But, as explained above, when blogging, you can’t just expect your audience to come to you. Rather, you have to get the audience’s attention first and compete as the best source of information against others producing content on the web. Paying attention to and implementing best practices matters, and if you want to launch your website into a new age with increased traffic, working with an SEO company might help you get there.

We have a 20-year track record of proven experience in results-driven marketing and can offer you the expertise you need to achieve your goals. Let’s look at how we can help you revamp your blogging strategy, adapt to the ever-changing landscape of web traffic acquisition, and shepherd your business into the future.

Google Analytics snapshot

How Can an SEO Company Help You Jumpstart Your Blog and Improve Your Site Traffic?

Over the past two decades, we’ve developed a unique, multi-pronged approach to help businesses and influencers optimize their blogs and increase website traffic. You can equip yourself with so many tools to ensure you produce high-quality results, and we want to help you identify those that’ll work best for your needs and guide you in using them. Here are just a few of the strategies you can implement or that we can help you with, depending on your specific needs:

1. Optimize Your Content for Search Engines

The phrase “search engine optimization (SEO)” says it all—you need to optimize your blog content for search engines to improve your website’s traffic. Your target audience is likely finding answers to their searches using tools like Google, Bing, or Yahoo and clicking on pages that appear at the top of their results. To make sure your content comes first, it’s helpful to pay attention to crucial elements like keyword integration, meta descriptions, internal links, alt text of images, and more. From here, you can heighten the organic traffic your website receives on a day-to-day basis.

2. Identify Your Target Audience

You probably already know that, no matter what industry your blog represents, you need to identify the primary and secondary sets of users that will be most attracted to your content. Understanding who your target audience is—including what they’re looking for, what content they engage with most, and overall, how they behave—is an important element to ensuring your blog generates web traffic. SEO experts can help you research user personas, including user purchasing patterns, demographics, and more, so you can develop the insight needed to produce content that speaks to your audience and inspires them.

3. Conduct Keyword Research when Blogging

Without knowing what content your target audience wants to consume, you can’t launch an effective blogging strategy. While keyword research can seem overwhelming and daunting at first, if you approach it strategically, you can find exactly what terms users are searching for when they look for content to engage with. You can use this knowledge to overhaul your approach to ensure you draw your target audience to your website. For instance, by integrating specific keywords into the content hosted on your blog, you may be able to attract a higher number of visitors regularly.Keywords scrabble - EWR Digital

4. Publish Memorable, High-quality Content

Writing memorable content can be a challenging task. The internet is saturated with information and the average web user might come across hundreds, if not thousands, of pieces of information on a day-to-day basis. An SEO company can help you synthesize the information currently available to users on search engine results pages (SERPs). To ensure visitors click through to view your content—and stay on your web page long enough in terms of dwell time—you must optimize their experience by providing the best information and the highest level of value to your readers through your published content.

5. Write Headlines That Spark Interest

One of the core tenets of SEO is writing headlines that draw your readers in immediately and spark their interest in the content you’ve produced. Without a compelling headline, it’s likely that users won’t click through and read your content, even if it provides the most comprehensive and high-quality information compared to competitors. A company with expertise in this area can help you rewire your headline-writing methods to attract your target audience effectively.

6. Appeal To Different Audiences While Blogging

Blogging isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach. To maximize the number of visitors your website receives, it’s important to vary your content’s length, format, and subject matter. This strategy can help you appeal to as wide an audience as possible while maintaining your brand. For instance, you might choose to mix it up by shifting between long-form news-based blogs and short-form lists to attract traffic from users with different interests. It’s key to research the markets you’ve left untapped and determine a strategy for drawing in new users.

7. Use a Multimedia Approach

Diversifying the content you publish on your blog shouldn’t stop at varying the length of your writing and addressing separate subject matters. As stated above, blogging in its current form involves publishing all types of media, including photos, videos, and audio, alongside written content. To drive more traffic to your website via blogging, it can be helpful to use a multimedia approach that incorporates a wide net of content, engages visitors in different ways, and enriches their experience on your site overall.

8. Launch an Advertising Campaign

A robust advertising campaign is one of the best ways to point users to your website and generate additional traffic. You can use methods like paid search, display advertising, and social media advertising to market your content and encourage users to visit your blog. From here, you can focus on developing your brand and honing in on audiences that seem to engage most with your site. An SEO company can help you determine what paid advertising tactics would work best for your needs.

9. Integrate Long-tail Keywords Into Your Approach

Long-tail keywords are phrases users commonly search for at the tail end of their research about a topic. They’re high in variation and low in search volume, as they typically fall between three to five words and are more specific than general keywords that most web hosts and businesses pay attention to in their SEO strategies. While long-tail keywords can be tricky to target, users who search them are typically more committed and closer to point-of-purchase. We can help you identify the long-tail phrases you can integrate to attract higher-quality traffic to your site.

10. Use Microdata to Your Advantage

Many web hosts, business owners, and content creators focus their strategy on metadata. While metadata is an important component of optimizing your work for search engines and generating traffic, you can often see additional results from tailoring microdata to your advantage.

The term microdata refers to how search engines classify and individualize types of content, and you can customize this identification to serve your needs. For instance, when blogging, you might choose to classify information like an author’s name or ratings of your content from other users to draw in additional traffic, and SEO professionals can help you make these decisions.

11. Focus on Maximizing Traffic From Internal Linking

Researching topics

There are various ways in which linking can help you maximize the traffic to your website. For example, you can launch a back-linking strategy in which other sites link back to your content to boost your site’s trustworthiness and ranking on the SERP.

But, to take advantage of linking approaches, it’s also important to focus on internal linking. Inbound links that redirect users on your site to other content you’ve published keep visitors focused on your site as they navigate from one page to another while pushing your content to rank above other pages when users search for a particular keyword.

12. Update Your Website and Ensure It’s Responsive

Your target audience is likely accessing your website and browsing the internet on multiple devices, including their desktop PCs, laptops, mobile phones, and tablets. It’s more important now than ever to ensure that your site is responsive to these varying browsing modes so visitors can have a comfortable and streamlined experience when reading the content you publish. We can help you create a plan for updating your website, making your blog more readable and visually appealing for users, thereby increasing their access so you can generate more traffic overall.

EWR Digital — an award-winning digital marketing agency

Consider Working With EWR Digital to develop a strategy that works for your needs

Every client has distinct needs, depending on their particular objectives. At EWR digital, we believe in finding solutions that work for you and help you adapt to the ever-changing landscape of marketing. We can help you set goals, outline the steps you need to accomplish them, and implement a strategy based on decades of informed experience.

We recommend you take advantage of our free consultation program so you can begin your blogging journey and organically boost your website’s traffic through SEO. We’ll help you identify where you can alter your approach to improve your online presence through your complimentary consultation. Contact us today if you want more information about this process and to get started.

Learn More

What Is Blogging?Blog Laptop - EWR Digital

The blogging phenomenon started in the late 1990s to create digital communities for readers with similar interests. Writers would publish diary-style entries about a topic and provide others with the opportunity to engage with their writing and discuss their viewpoints.

Today, folks often write off blogging by claiming that it’s “dead” and not worth the effort it requires, but that’s simply not true. Rather, blogging has evolved alongside technological innovations and the desires of online users and has taken on a different form. Since its conception, blogging has taken many shapes. Blogging can be collaborative, corporate, organizational, aggregative, or even communicative—and now, the term blogging generally refers to the regular creation and publishing of any content online.

Blogging is now considered any photo, video, caption, article, or post published online, including on social media platforms. Therefore, while personal blogging in its original form might be falling by the wayside, other, innovative content creation methods are born each day—and it’s up to you to tap into the audiences following along with this content so you can generate more traffic.