How A Good Business Website Design Can Grow Your Business

Apr 4, 2023

<a href="" target="_self">Qays Zubaidi</a>

Qays Zubaidi

Senior Web Developer

A good business website design can grow your company in many ways, for many good reasons. In today’s post we’ll help break down exactly how and why.

Business Websites & Branding

For an increasing number of people, your business website is the face of your brand. Their first impression will be a lasting one. And with the ability to leave at a simple click of a button, a good business website must convey your corporate identity at a glance.

Gaining Customers’ Interest Without Distractions

Getting potential customers to your website is so important because it removes them from the ‘noise’ and ‘distractions’ that fill the internet. Once you have them alone on your website, the last thing you want to do is distract them with irrelevant messages or moving images.

The Secret to a Good Business Website

The secret to a good business website is designing a site that puts your customers experience of your sales process ahead of a flashy, beautiful piece of art.

What a Business Website Should NOT Be

To draw a parallel, let’s start with what a good business website should NOT be.

A good business website should not be a Mona Lisa. Don’t get me wrong, the Mona Lisa is fascinating to look at – one could even call it captivating. And each year hundreds of thousands of people go to the Louvre simply look at the Mona Lisa. The Mona Lisa is so good, in fact, that books have been written on the subject. In a word, the Mona Lisa is simply inspiring.

The Mona Lisa, however, for all the mystery, doesn’t ask anything of the observer. When the observer is done looking, they simply move on to the next painting, lost in thought. Perhaps inspired to paint their own Mona Lisa.

If you have not understood the analogy, we’ll make it simple. We have seen many attractive, gorgeous, captivating, and even thought provoking websites. Websites that get thousands of visitors everyday. These are websites that are shared, linked to, and even win business website design awards. What these ‘flashy’ websites often fail to do, however, is to convert observers into buyers.

What a Business Website SHOULD Be

In contrast to this amazing, award winning piece of art, a good business website should actually work more like a dinner coupon for a starving man. A good business website design simply makes the right offer to the right person at the right time. Like the starving man, they should want (and be able) to grab that coupon and run as fast as they can to your restaurant. The coupon might not be the most beautiful, amazing, artistic, or even attractive piece of art, but it commands attention and delivers a powerful message. Such a powerful message, in fact, that you are able to grow your business because of your powerful coupon.

Again, to make this analogy completely transparent, a good business website design is rarely an artistic piece of eye candy. Instead, it commands attention and delivers a powerful message to the right person at the right time. Most of all, it enables the viewer to take action and do exactly what it asked them to do. Buy Now. Call Now. Sign Up. Register Today. Take the Test. Contact Us.

Our Business Website Partnership Program

You are an expert in your industry. We are an expert in ours, we know SEO.

Our proven process let’s us work together, combining each other’s knowledge and insight, to create high-performing business websites.

Do you want to hit your revenue goals? Generate and convert visitors into buyers? Our websites are custom built to match the needs of your business, the standards of your industry, the desires of your target customers, and industry-leading internet marketing conversion strategies.

Plus, unlike other marketing companies that either like to force something on you that you don’t want, or don’t have any expertise to contribute, we keep you engaged and informed at every step along the way. Our best client relationships are actually those where we feel comfortable enough to push back when something is unclear.

Learn How a Good Business Website Design Can Transform Your Business

Would you like to know how a good business website design could help you organize, run, and grow your business? Contact us today for a Free SEO Profit Analysis. Let us help you better understand what role the internet can play in your overall growth strategy. Schedule a call online today

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How a Good Business Website Design Can Grow Your Business | EWR Digital – Houston, TX