7 Marketing Trends And How They Apply To The Oil And Gas Industry

Dec 11, 2023

<a href="https://www.ewrdigital.com/author/matt" target="_self">Matt Bertram</a>

Matt Bertram

Matt Bertram is a award-winning marketing consultant and SEO Expert. He is the lead digital strategist at EWR Digital. Host of the Best SEO Podcast and Co-Host of the Oil and Gas sales and marketing podcast.
oil and gas marketing agency, clutch global, digital marketing, sales

Oil and Gas Industries Need a Marketing Update

Many of these companies have not updated their digital marketing plan in 5+ years. In an era characterized by rapid technological advancements and shifting global energy paradigms, the landscape for oil and gas companies is evolving at an unprecedented pace. As the world embraces cleaner and more sustainable energy sources, the traditional giants of the fossil fuel industry find themselves at a crossroads, facing the imperative to adapt or risk obsolescence. Central to their ability to navigate this transformation is the need to update their marketing strategies.

The oil and gas sector, once largely insulated from the winds of change, now stands at the forefront of a pivotal moment in history. Climate concerns, environmental regulations, and growing consumer awareness are reshaping the industry’s dynamics. Consequently, the time has come for oil and gas companies to rethink and revitalize their marketing efforts.

This transformation isn’t merely about maintaining market share or public relations; it’s about redefining the industry’s narrative, demonstrating commitment to sustainability, and leveraging the power of digital tools to communicate effectively in an ever-connected world. In this era of information abundance, where public perception can make or break a company, marketing has become a crucial strategic asset.

This introspective journey into the world of oil and gas marketing explores the compelling reasons behind the industry’s need for reinvention. From harnessing the capabilities of digital marketing and data analytics to fostering transparent and responsible communication, this exploration will guide oil and gas companies toward a future where they can successfully adapt and thrive in the face of unprecedented change.

But what’s the solution? The solution involves adopting marketing services for oil and gas businesses. These marketing trends offer new and updated strategies that can help improve their business. It can help the oil and gas business better connect with the market.

Here are 7 marketing trends to follow that can help oil and gas companies.

Oil and Gas Marketing 2024 Trends

1. Personalization Is Key

The oil and gas industry may benefit from an updated redesigned website and more personalized content.

Personalizing your website and your content is designed to attract a specific audience. The target market understands what you can do for them because your company is more personalized for them.

When a company’s website and content are more personalized, the ideal customers are more likely to buy something.

How can oil and gas companies capitalize on that?

They can hire people to redo their website and create content that speaks directly to their target market.

An AI-powered assistant engages with a customer in a modern shop, showcasing the seamless integration of artificial intelligence in personalized customer service.

2. Apply AI & Smart Data

AI & Smart Data - EWR Digital

Oil and gas companies can also benefit from more AI and smart data. One marketing trend is about understanding consumer behavior, especially behavioral science. However, to do that, you need to have data.

When you have AI and smart data, you can automate tasks. It creates more efficiency in the workplace.

For example, you can install remote sensors and automated drilling. You can also consider installing 3D printers that offer unique benefits in the oil and gas industry. Midstream is taking advantage of drones and heatmapping for pipeline leak detection.

Overall, it’s important to understand your business’s data that can help you better connect with your audience. You can see who is purchasing and why they are purchasing, giving you direction on your marketing strategies.

3. Higher Quality Content

Another marketing trend that oil and gas businesses need to adopt is creating higher quality content.

They can accomplish this by creating well-researched content on their blog or vlog. When businesses create higher quality content, it helps them in multiple ways. For instance, Google will rank their website higher because of the quality of content.

However, quality content means its original and well-researched content. It also means it’s that it’s SEO optimized.

Oil and gas companies must understand and master SEO strategies to stay relevant and above their competition. They need to search for relevant and highly searched keywords to add to their blogs and vlogs.

When oil and gas companies create high-quality and SEO optimized content, it helps them better connect with their consumers. It also helps them drive traffic to their website, and help them tell their story better.

Pyramid representation of keyword research process, with keyword at the base, followed by topic and theme layers.

4. Different Forms of Content

In addition to creating high-quality content, oil and gas companies also need to create different forms of content.

For example, video marketing is a current trend because many people watch videos on their mobile devices. It’s a great way to send short visual messages and to the point.

Oil and gas companies can benefit from creating podcast content, blog content, and video content. The more content oil and gas companies can produce, the more they rank on Google and connect with their target market. Something to also consider is Podcast Content. Oil and Gas Global Network does a great job helping people .

Learn more about our video marketing.

Content Funnel Assets - Digital Marketing Services

5. Be Mobile Friendly

Another marketing trend to follow is being mobile-friendly. With more than 2 billion people using smartphones worldwide, your oil and gas business must change its website to be more mobile-friendly.

The more mobile-friendly your website is, the more likely you will drive traffic to your website, not just from desktop users. I see far to many website that where built 10+ years ago and are still using to different versions of a site as well as not really understanding that most people are are mobile today.

Mobile SEO, Mobile Friendly Content

6. Understand the Target Market

Atyawsn NSE

A marketing trend that you should consider is taking a deep dive and understanding your target market. You need to consider who your ideal customer is.

That may mean understanding their age, where they live, what problems they have, and how you can help them. With more data available, you need to see how you can better understand your target market and what leads them to buy from oil and gas businesses.

It’s importnat to understand that people in the energy sector don’t just think of themselfs as oil and gas professionals they think of themself as perhaps Upstream Oil and Gas or in Oilfield Services.

7. Tell Stories

Lastly, if you want to update your oil and gas business’s marketing strategy, then you need to consider the power of telling stories.

Telling stories on social media or email marketing is a powerful way to connect with your target market. I would tell you that if spent 15 mins a day on LinkedIn actually being social and engage with people you may have more business in your pipeline than you could handle. Find a way to open up and connect with people. People do business with people. After all that is what social media is about, it’s about being social! It’s a marketing trend that has helped more businesses sell more of their products and it’s a sales channel that few oil and gas brands effectively tap. Maybe even try podcasting to start building thought leadership and letting people get to know you better one to many!

When you do tell a story, it needs to be around the target market. It needs to tell a story about their problems and how you helped them solve it.

Oil and gas companies can also tell stories about services, products, and reputation. They can provide stories that involve testimonials and how they were able to help customers.

OTC LinkedIn engagements, oil and gas, 2024 conference

2023 Update: Additional Elements to Consider

  • Data Security and Compliance: Highlight the importance of data security and compliance, particularly in industries where sensitive information is handled. Discuss how oil and gas companies should prioritize data protection to build trust with their customers.
  • Content Distribution Strategy: Explain the significance of a well-planned content distribution strategy. Discuss how oil and gas companies can leverage various channels such as social media, email marketing, and industry publications to reach their target audience effectively.
  • Social Responsibility and Sustainability: Emphasize the growing importance of social responsibility and sustainability in the oil and gas sector. Discuss how integrating sustainable practices and communicating corporate social responsibility initiatives can positively impact a company’s brand image.
  • Global Market Expansion: Explore how oil and gas companies can use digital marketing to expand their presence in global markets. Discuss the challenges and opportunities of marketing to international audiences.
  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM): Highlight the benefits of implementing CRM systems to manage customer interactions and build long-term relationships. Explain how CRM can help oil and gas companies personalize their marketing efforts.
  • Competitive Analysis: Encourage oil and gas businesses to conduct regular competitive analysis to stay ahead in the market. Explain how analyzing competitors’ marketing strategies can provide valuable insights for improvement.
  • Adaptive Marketing: Discuss the concept of adaptive marketing, where companies continuously adjust their strategies based on real-time data and market changes. Explain how this agile approach can help oil and gas companies respond swiftly to evolving trends.
  • Performance Metrics: Provide guidance on selecting and tracking key performance metrics (KPIs) to measure the success of digital marketing campaigns. Explain how data-driven decision-making can enhance marketing effectiveness.
  • Case Studies and Success Stories: Include case studies or success stories from oil and gas companies that have successfully implemented these marketing trends. Real-life examples can illustrate the practical benefits and outcomes of adopting these strategies.
  • Industry-Specific Challenges: Address specific challenges that the oil and gas industry faces in adopting digital marketing strategies, such as regulatory constraints, the complex buying cycle, and the need for safety-conscious messaging.
  • Integration with Sales and Operations: Highlight the importance of aligning marketing efforts with sales and operations. Discuss how effective communication and collaboration between these departments can lead to better results.
  • Continuous Learning and Training: Encourage ongoing learning and training for marketing teams within the oil and gas sector. Discuss how staying updated with industry best practices and emerging technologies is essential for long-term success.
Matt Bertram speaking API panel discussion Houston

How These Marketing Trends Can Help the Oil and Gas Industry

The marketing trends can help your oil and gas business adapt to the digital marketing age. In an era where more people are shopping online, it’s important that your business is adapted to the customer.

These marketing strategies can give the update your business needs. It can help you connect with your ideal customers and drive more traffic to your website.

If you want our help with developing a marketing strategy, schedule a free consultation today!

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