Case Study: Branded Pitch Deck Helps Secure $3.5 Million in Funding



raised with pitch deck


with The Money Team, LLC
(Floyd Mayweather Jr.)

Case study showing how we designed a pitch deck for 3VVV which helped them secure $3.5 million in funding


3VVV had created a state of the art, patented technology, that gives every gamer the ability to make money with digital gaming. This technology also included proprietary online security and high tech cheat monitoring.
While the technology was powerful, they had neither the audience or the money to properly implement the ecosystem they wanted to build.

To make things even more challenging, their technology ran counter to how the current pro gamer landscape is set up. In today’s market, only pro gamers make money from their skill set, and they usually get paid via sponsorships and tournament winnings.

This meant many gamers and companies were skeptical of the technology and that the ecosystem 3VVV wanted to create would actually work.

This meant they had two challenges:

  • Remove skepticism and prove the concept was viable
  • Build a large enough user base to make the ecosystem sustainable


To remove skepticism and build a large enough user base 3VVV needed to:

  • Secure funding for the business
  • Secure high level celebrity partnerships

Securing funding would allow 3VVV to scale their technology and marketing efforts. With an increased marketing budget they could build their user base.

Getting high level celebrity partnerships would add social proof and drive awareness of the ecosystem.

Strategy & Tactics

To help 3VVV secure funding and celebrity partnerships they needed a strong brand presence when meeting with potential investors and celebrities.

In the end it was decided the best strategy was to build them an enterprise-level pitch deck. This deck would provide them the competitive edge they needed in their investor meetings.

To develop the deck we first had to help 3VVV refine and finalize aspects of their brand. We worked directly with the founders to understand their business model, their intended audience, and why someone would want to utilize their ecosystem.

After that we found ways to distill all of the business and technical information into small, digestible, bits of information. This gave us the outline of the pitch deck and how to best present the information.

Finally, we started to build out the pitch deck itself.

Message Alignment

3VVV was targeting investors, fund managers, celebrities, and famous elites with their pitch deck.

Because of that we made sure the design of the deck had a high-end, professional, and high-tech tone. To accomplish that we referenced the design styles of the biggest gaming companies and game services. This made the deck look like it belonged alongside the biggest companies in the industry.

We also knew the pitch deck needed to stand out (since their target audience sees multiple pitch decks a day). So, we utilized an energetic color palette of oranges and bright purples. Doing so made the deck instantly recognizable from other decks.


In the end 3VVV used the deck to secure:

  • $3.5 Million in first seed round
  • Influencer and Gamer Partnerships
    • 2Mundos
    • Ierus Technologies
  • A signed contract with The Money Team, LLC (Floyd Mayweather Jr.)
    • Securing him and his team as a partner and shareholder
  • VP’s from Adidas and Reebok as board members
  • Pre approval into a 1 trillion dollar fund company

This has given 3VVV the social proof and money necessary to grow their ecosystem.

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