Expert GA4 Setup and Configuration Services

GA4: Smarter Analytics for Smarter Business Decisions

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Troubles with Your Analytics? The Transition to GA4 Might Be the Culprit

Are you experiencing issues with your analytics following the transition to Google Analytics 4 (GA4)? You’re not alone.

As of July 1, 2023, Google permanently transitioned all Google Analytics accounts to GA4, replacing Universal Analytics. While this new platform offers advanced features and enhanced insights, the switch may have introduced some challenges. Here’s why your analytics might not be functioning as expected:

GA4 Migration text

Transition from Universal Analytics to GA4:

  • Data Discrepancies: GA4 introduces a new data model which can result in differences in reported metrics compared to Universal Analytics. This change can lead to discrepancies that might make your data appear incorrect or incomplete.
  • Configuration Differences: GA4 uses a different setup process, and configurations from Universal Analytics may not carry over seamlessly. Custom events, goals, and conversions need to be redefined in GA4 to ensure accurate tracking.
  • Learning Curve: GA4’s interface and reporting mechanisms are different from Universal Analytics. Navigating these changes requires time and adjustment, potentially leading to initial misunderstandings or misinterpretations of the data.
  • Tagging and Implementation Issues: GA4 requires updated tagging methods. If your website or app tags were not updated correctly, it could result in incomplete or missing data.
  • Third-Party Integrations: If you rely on third-party tools or plugins that were integrated with Universal Analytics, these may need to be reconfigured or updated to work with GA4.

Solutions and Next Steps:

  1. Audit Your Setup: Conduct a thorough audit of your GA4 configuration. Ensure that all tags, events, and goals are correctly set up and aligned with your tracking objectives.
  2. Compare Metrics: Compare key metrics between GA4 and your previous Universal Analytics to identify and understand discrepancies.
  3. Training and Resources: Invest time in learning the new GA4 interface and features. Utilize Google’s official resources and tutorials to get up to speed.
  4. Consult Experts: If the transition seems overwhelming, consider consulting with analytics experts who can help ensure a smooth transition and accurate data tracking.

Switching to GA4 is a significant shift that promises improved analytics capabilities, but it requires careful attention to detail and a willingness to adapt. If your analytics aren’t working as expected, it’s likely due to these transitional challenges. Addressing these issues promptly will help you fully leverage the power of GA4 for your business insights.

Seamless Migration to Google Analytics 4

Web and mobile analytics under one roof

GA4 focuses on combining both your mobile and web data—you can view, track, and manage all in one platform!

“If you are an analyst who manages both website and mobile applications, you will finally have the ability to roll up your data across web and mobile.  This is far more powerful than the rollup properties you may have used in the past.”


Ken Williams Senior Data Engineer @ Search Discovery

At EWR Digital, we understand the importance of accurate data analysis and actionable insights for your business’s success. With the evolution of digital platforms and user behavior, upgrading to Google Analytics 4 is essential to stay competitive in today’s dynamic landscape. Our expert team offers comprehensive services for Google Analytics 4 upgrade and management, ensuring a smooth transition and enabling you to make informed decisions based on reliable data. By leveraging the power of GA4, we help you track user interactions, understand cross-platform behavior, and optimize your marketing strategies for maximum impact. With our specialized expertise, your business can unlock the full potential of Google Analytics 4 and gain a competitive edge in the digital realm. Explore our services below to embark on a data-driven journey with GA4.

Google GA4

Stay Ahead with Our GA4 Upgrade and Management Solutions

Google Analytics 4 (GA4) is the latest version of Google’s web analytics platform. It was officially launched in October 2020 as the successor to Universal Analytics (UA). GA4 introduces several new features and improvements to help businesses analyze and understand user behavior across multiple digital platforms.

[UA→GA4] Universal Analytics versus Google Analytics 4 data

Universal Analytics (UA) and Google Analytics 4 (GA4) differ in terms of their data collection methods and data structure. Here’s an overview of the key distinctions between the two:

Data Collection Methods:

    • UA: Universal Analytics primarily relies on the use of cookies to track user interactions on websites. It uses JavaScript code snippets (analytics.js or gtag.js) to collect and send data to the Google Analytics servers.
    • GA4: Google Analytics 4 utilizes an event-driven data model. It captures user interactions as events, which are sent directly to the GA4 servers using a new measurement protocol called “gtag.js” or through SDKs for mobile apps.

Data Structure:

    • UA: Universal Analytics organizes data into hits, sessions, and users. Hits represent individual interactions like pageviews, events, or e-commerce transactions. Sessions group hits together based on a set of rules, such as a user’s continuous activity within a specified time frame. Users are identified by a unique client ID and represent individual visitors to a website.
    • GA4: Google Analytics 4 introduces a more flexible and event-centric data structure. It focuses on events and parameters that provide detailed information about user interactions. Events can be customized to track various actions, such as pageviews, clicks, video plays, or form submissions. Parameters allow for more contextual and specific data associated with each event.

User-Centric Approach:

    • UA: Universal Analytics primarily relies on browser cookies and client IDs to track and identify users. It assigns a unique client ID to each user and associates their activity with that ID.
    • GA4: Google Analytics 4 takes a user-centric approach and assigns a unique User ID to individuals who log in or authenticate across devices. This allows for cross-device and cross-platform tracking, providing a more holistic view of user behavior.

Analysis and Insights:

    • UA: Universal Analytics offers a wide range of pre-built reports and customization options. It provides insights into website performance, traffic sources, user demographics, and other metrics to help businesses understand and optimize their digital presence.
    • GA4: Google Analytics 4 enhances analysis capabilities with advanced machine learning and AI-driven features. It offers automated insights, predictive metrics, and anomaly detection, enabling businesses to uncover valuable trends, predict user behavior, and gain deeper insights into user journeys.

It’s worth noting that while Google encourages users to migrate from Universal Analytics to Google Analytics 4, UA continues to be supported, and businesses can choose the version that best fits their needs. Both versions have their advantages and considerations, so the decision to migrate depends on individual business requirements and goals.

Advanced Tracking and Analysis with GA4

Here are some key features and concepts associated with Google Analytics 4:


  1. Event-driven data model: GA4 operates on an event-driven data model, which means it focuses on tracking and analyzing user interactions called “events.” Events can include actions like pageviews, clicks, video plays, downloads, and more. This model provides greater flexibility and allows for a more comprehensive analysis of user behavior.
  2. Enhanced cross-platform tracking: GA4 is designed to track user interactions across various platforms, including websites, mobile apps (Android and iOS), and other digital devices. It provides a unified view of user behavior, enabling businesses to understand how users engage with their brand across different touchpoints.
  3. Streamlined user interface: GA4 features a revamped user interface that offers a more intuitive and user-friendly experience compared to previous versions. It includes updated navigation menus, simplified reporting, and improved data exploration capabilities.
  4. Machine learning and AI capabilities: GA4 leverages machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) to provide advanced insights and automated analysis. It offers features like automated insights, predictive metrics, and anomaly detection, allowing businesses to uncover meaningful trends and patterns in their data more easily.
  5. Customizable reporting and analysis: GA4 provides flexible reporting and analysis options. It offers a range of pre-built reports, as well as the ability to create custom reports and segments to suit specific business needs. The platform also supports data export to BigQuery, Google’s data warehouse, for more extensive analysis.
  6. Privacy and data control: With the increasing emphasis on user privacy, GA4 includes enhanced privacy features. It allows businesses to configure data retention settings and manage user consent preferences. GA4 is designed to align with evolving privacy regulations, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA).
  7. Integration with Google Marketing Platform: GA4 integrates with other Google marketing tools, such as Google Ads and Google Search Console, to provide a more holistic view of marketing campaigns and their impact on user behavior. It enables businesses to track conversions, measure advertising ROI, and optimize marketing efforts.
5 Star Digital Marketing Agency - EWR Digital

EWR’s marketing analytics services

Our analytic services will help your business unlock the full potential of your marketing efforts. Taking a cross-functional approach, we offer a wide range of services that harness the power of data to get you results.

market segment

Gain Market Insights

Gain a deeper understanding of your target audience with our market insights. Our team of experts will gather and analyze data on your consumer demographics, preferences, and behavior to give you a clear picture of your customers journey and inform your marketing strategy.

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Track Campaign Performance Tracking

Ensure the success of your marketing campaigns with our campaign tracking services. Never not know if the campaign you just ran was successful or not. With our tracking services, we will monitor the performance of your email, social media, and other campaigns, delivering actionable insights to improve future efforts and maximize campaign ROI.

website performance 1

Understand Your Website’s Engagement

How are customers using your website, and which pages are receiving the most traffic or clicks? With this service our team will analyze your website traffic to understand how your customers consume content or where they spend their time. With this data we can provide solutions to improve customer journey and increase engagement.

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Social Media Metric Analysis for Stronger Performance

Stay ahead of the curve with our social media analytics services. We’ll evaluate metrics such as engagement, reach, and sentiment, giving you a comprehensive understanding of your social media performance. Use these insights to refine your social media strategy and stay ahead of the competition.

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Customer Segmentation for Personalization

Connect with your customers on a personal level with our customer data analytics services. We’ll use customer data to create in-depth profiles and segmentations, allowing you to design more effective and targeted marketing campaigns. With our help, you’ll be able to reach your customers in a way that truly resonates with them.

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Analytics and SEO

Analytics and SEO are closely connected as analytics provides valuable data and insights on website performance, user behavior, and search engine traffic, which inform SEO strategies and optimizations. By analyzing data such as keyword rankings, organic traffic, bounce rates, and conversion rates, businesses can identify opportunities for improvement, track the effectiveness of SEO efforts, and make data-driven decisions to optimize their websites, enhance user experience, and ultimately improve search engine rankings.

What is marketing analytics?

Marketing analytics is the process of using data, predictive models and fact-based management to drive decisions and actions that improve marketing performance and business outcomes. It is the process of systematic measurement, collection, analysis, interpretation and reporting of data to understand and improve the effectiveness and efficiency of marketing campaigns and strategies.

Research drives data-driven strategies

We rely heavily on data and research to guide our digital marketing strategies. With the right research we can provide your business with in-depth insights into your customer journey and their communication wants and needs.

To grow your business, you need a comprehensive, digital marketing approach that works for your unique value proposition–and this begins with research. Researching and auditing your current marketing efforts and using the findings to discover what works and what does not, are how you begin building the track to reach your desired goals.

analytics analysis

“Data Analysis is the first step to an effective digital marketing strategy.”
– Matt Bertram, head of strategy @ EWR

Competitor analysis to get market insights

How can strategy begin without knowing who our competitors are? To start, your business must complete a competitor analysis to help understand your competitors’ strengths and weaknesses, their marketing strategies, and the target market they serve. This information can then be used to inform your own marketing strategy and position your business in a way that sets you apart from your competitors.

By conducting a competitor analysis, you can identify opportunities for growth, find areas where you can improve, and gain a deeper understanding of your target market. This information can help you make informed decisions about your business, including product development, pricing, and marketing tactics.

Unlock Search Traffic with Keyword Research

Our keyword research services empower you to take advantage of SEO and uncover profitable keywords. The right keyword strategy will increase search traffic, enhance your content strategy, and boost your search ranking through targeted keyword placement.

As your industry competition grows and searcher behavior evolves, keyword research can become a tedious task and is often overlooked. Whether it’s for lead generation, SEO, sales support, or thought leadership, our team can simplify the process for you. Our keyword research process is used to:

  • Analyze your website’s current keyword rankings
  • Identify opportunities to target new keywords based on the vertical
  • Determine topics that product “Intent”
  • Categorize keywords into topic clusters

Our Tools Track the Data that Matters

Understanding how users interact with your website is crucial for achieving long-term success and meeting your lead generation goals. To get the best picture of your data, our experts are trained in a multitude of analytic tools such as Google Analytics and other third-party data sources, to uncover insights in your data.
The information that is gathered is essential to make data-driven decisions about how to improve user experience, increase conversions, and achieve overall business objectives. Data metrics that our data experts look at include:

  • Website traffic
  • User flows
  • Demographics
  • Conversion rate
  • Proportion of return visitors
  • Average time on page
  • Bounce rates
  • Campaign performance
  • Customer journey

By monitoring these data metrics, our team can help you make data-driven decisions to improve your website and marketing efforts, achieve your business objectives, and unlock the secrets of your target market.

Custom analytics reporting to spot trends

Collecting huge data sets to make data-driven decisions is at the core of the analytic services. However, with every client and industry offering a fresh dataset and new strategies to uncover, presenting this data in an impactful way is paramount.

Our team ensures that every data set is compiled and customized into reports and dashboards that are tailored to your unique business goals, making each report actionable and easy to understand. Through these custom reports, you can easily see trends, patterns, and insights that will help make data-driven decisions to improve your business goals and impact your ROI.

Digital marketing services related to marketing analytics

In-depth market research and analytic services can further enhance your digital marketing tactics and lead to increased brand awareness and visibility. There are a multitude of digital marketing services that work alongside analytics that can help maximize your data’s impact. These services include:

Frequently Asked Questions about Marketing Analytics 

Q: What is marketing analytics and analysis?

A: Marketing analytics and analysis is the process of collecting, measuring, and interpreting data related to a company’s marketing efforts. This includes analyzing data from various channels, such as social media, email marketing, website traffic, and more, to gain insights into customer behavior and make informed decisions about marketing strategy.

Q: Why is marketing analytics and analysis important for businesses?

A: Marketing analytics and analysis is important for businesses because it allows them to understand the effectiveness of their marketing efforts and make data-driven decisions to improve their strategy. By analyzing data, businesses can identify areas for improvement, optimize their marketing spend, and ultimately drive better results and ROI.

Q: What types of data can be analyzed in marketing analytics?

A: Marketing analytics can involve analyzing a wide range of data, including website traffic, social media engagement, email marketing performance, advertising metrics, customer behavior data, and more.

Q: What tools and technologies are used for marketing analytics and analysis?

A: There are a variety of tools and technologies that can be used for marketing analytics and analysis, including Google Analytics, social media analytics platforms, email marketing software, data visualization tools, and more. EWR Digital has experience working with a range of tools and can recommend the best options for each client’s specific needs.

Q: How can EWR Digital help with marketing analytics and analysis?

A: EWR Digital can help businesses with marketing analytics and analysis by providing expertise in data collection, analysis, and interpretation. Our team can help set up analytics tracking, create custom dashboards, and provide insights and recommendations to improve marketing strategy and drive better results.

Marketing Analytics Packages we offer

Here are some examples of analytics packages that we offer:

  1. Basic Analytics Package: This package includes installation and setup of Google Analytics, as well as basic reporting on website traffic, user behavior, and conversion tracking.
  2. Advanced Analytics Package: This package includes more in-depth analysis of website traffic and user behavior, as well as advanced conversion tracking and A/B testing. It may also include custom dashboards and reports tailored to the needs of the business.
  3. Social Media Analytics Package: This package includes tracking and reporting on social media metrics, such as engagement rates, reach, and follower growth. It may also include analysis of social media advertising campaigns and recommendations for improvement.
  4. E-commerce Analytics Package: This package is designed for businesses that sell products or services online and includes tracking and reporting on e-commerce metrics such as revenue, conversion rate, and cart abandonment. It may also include analysis of product performance and recommendations for improvement.
  5. Enterprise Analytics Package: This package is designed specifically for large, complex businesses with multiple websites, mobile apps, and digital platforms. It includes advanced analytics tracking and reporting capabilities, as well as data integration and analysis across multiple platforms.
  6. Data Analytics Consulting: Enterprise businesses often require more in-depth consulting services to help them understand their data and make strategic decisions based on that data. Data analytics consulting services may include data modeling, predictive analytics, and data visualization.
  7. Business Intelligence Reporting: Enterprise businesses often require more sophisticated reporting capabilities to analyze large amounts of data and make strategic decisions. Business intelligence reporting services may include custom dashboards, executive reporting, and automated reporting tools.
  8. Digital Attribution Modeling: Enterprise businesses often have complex marketing funnels with multiple touchpoints across multiple channels. Digital attribution modeling services help businesses understand the contribution of each touchpoint to conversions and revenue, allowing them to optimize their marketing efforts accordingly.
  9. Marketing Data Integration: Enterprise businesses often have multiple marketing tools and platforms that generate data, including CRM systems, marketing automation tools, and social media platforms. Marketing data integration services help businesses consolidate and analyze data from multiple sources to gain a more comprehensive view of their marketing efforts.
  10. Custom Analytics Package: This package is tailored to the specific needs of the business and may include a combination of the above packages, as well as custom analysis and reporting based on the business’s unique goals and objectives.

These are just a few examples of our analytics packages. The exact services included in each package will vary depending on the needs of your business.

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