EWR Growth Methodology | Brand Marketing

EWR Digital

EWR Methodology: Strategy, Align, Elevate, Amplify, Convert

The EWR Digital Growth Methodology
EWR Digital

EWR Methodology: Strategy, Align, Elevate, Amplify, Convert

Our marketing methodology is a structured approach to planning and executing our marketing activities and campaigns. We begin by defining your business goals and identifying your target audience, which allows us to create messaging and content that resonates with your customers.

From there, we develop a multi-channel marketing strategy that incorporates tactics such as content marketing, social media, email marketing, and search engine optimization, among others. We continually monitor and measure the success of our marketing efforts, using data and feedback to refine our strategies and optimize your performance! By following this methodology, we are able to create effective, efficient marketing campaigns that help us our clients reach their target audience, generate more leads, and most importantly drive revenue growth!

Emotional, Economics, Functional, Benefits, Value, Utility


Developing a marketing strategy is important because it provides a clear roadmap for achieving business objectives. Without a solid marketing plan in place, a company’s marketing efforts can become disjointed, untargeted, and ineffective. By working with a digital marketing agency that has a strong emphasis on strategy, a prospective lead can have the confidence that their marketing campaigns will be well-planned, researched, and executed to achieve the desired results.


Marketing plan development

Creating a detailed roadmap that outlines the marketing strategies and tactics to be used to achieve the client’s business objectives.


Market research

Conducting in-depth research to understand the market landscape, target audience, and competition.


Competitor analysis

Analyzing the strengths, weaknesses, and marketing strategies of the client’s competitors.


Brand positioning

  • Developing a unique brand identity, and positioning that sets the client apart from its competitors.


Having consistent and aligned marketing efforts is important because it creates a cohesive brand image and message across all channels. Prospective leads want to work with a digital marketing agency that can ensure their brand message is consistent, clear, and aligned with their overall business objectives. An aligned marketing strategy can help to build brand recognition and loyalty among customers, which can lead to increased sales and a stronger customer base.


Brand guidelines

Developing guidelines that ensure that all marketing communications are consistent with the client’s brand identity and positioning.


Marketing audit & workshops:

Analyzing the client’s current marketing efforts to identify areas that need improvement and ensure that all marketing channels are aligned with the client’s business objectives.


Customer persona development

Creating detailed profiles of the client’s target audience to ensure that marketing efforts are tailored to their specific needs and preferences.


Customer journey

Mapping out the entire process a customer goes through from initial awareness of a product or service to becoming a loyal customer.


Optimizing and improving marketing efforts is important because it can lead to increased visibility, engagement, and conversions. Prospective leads want to work with a digital marketing agency that is constantly looking for ways to elevate their marketing campaigns and stand out from the competition. By developing high-quality content, optimizing websites for better user experience, and using email marketing to keep customers engaged, a digital marketing agency can help to increase brand authority, build trust, and generate more leads and sales.


Website design and development

Designing and optimizing the client’s website to showcase product or services, improve user experience, and engagement.


SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

Optimizing the website or web page to improve its ranking and visibility on search engine results pages.


Content marketing

Developing high-quality, valuable content that educates, entertains, and engages the client’s target audience and positions them as industry thought leaders.


Email marketing

Developing email campaigns that keep the client’s audience engaged and informed about their products or services.


Converting leads into customers is important because it directly impacts a company’s bottom line. Prospective leads want to work with a digital marketing agency that has a strong emphasis on conversion, such as through conversion rate optimization, sales funnel optimization, and lead generation. By focusing on these areas, a digital marketing agency can help to increase the ROI of a company’s marketing efforts and generate more revenue.


Conversion rate optimization (CRO)

Analyzing the client’s website and marketing efforts to identify areas that can be improved to increase the conversion rate and generate more leads and sales.



Also known as remarketing, is a form of online advertising that targets people who have previously interacted with a website or brand.


A/B Testing

The practice of comparing two versions of a webpage or app to determine which one performs better and generates more engagement or conversions.


Heat mapping

Data visualization technique that uses color-coded maps to display user behavior on a website or app, providing insights into where users are clicking and engaging with the content.

EWR Digital

Digital Marketing Roadmap

A digital media marketing roadmap is a strategic plan that outlines the steps a business will take to achieve its digital marketing goals, typically over a specified period of time. It typically includes details on target audiences, messaging and content strategies, digital channels and tactics, metrics for measuring success, and timelines for implementation. The roadmap serves as a guide for businesses to execute and measure the success of their digital marketing efforts and to continually refine and optimize their approach.

EWR has been offering internet marketing solutions for over 20 years. From our experiences we have crafted a unique methodology — you won’t this is strategy anywhere else! We focus on having a highly convertible website or landing page, with SEO layered on as the backbone of the marketing strategy. This all happens before we even consider paid media options. We also provide thought leadership to over 55,000 monthly marketers through our top ratedmarketing podcast, “The Unknown Secrets of Digital Marketing”.

The first step in the process is a Marketing Strategy Workshop to discover your current ranks, top competitors, and the overall UI visitor experience of your website. We then compare that information to your current business goals and discuss how to better align everything by leveraging the power of digital marketing.

EWR Marketing Success Layers

The first step in the process is a Marketing Strategy Workshop to discover your current ranks, top competitors, and the overall UI visitor experience of your website. We then compare that information to your current business goals and discuss how to better align everything by leveraging the power of digital marketing.

EWR Digital

Our SEO Methodolgy

Our Marketing Methodology at EWR Digital
EWR Digital

Our SEO Methodolgy

Did you know there are over 200+ ranking factors that come into play when search engines decide how to rank a site? This can make it difficult to figure out how to get your website found.

On top of that, the algorithm is constantly changing so your ranks will sometimes yo-yo, or as we like to say, it does the “Google Dance”. Here at EWR Digital we got Search Engine Optimization down to a science. It’s no mystery why clients see their rankings rise, their traffic rise, and see a solid increase in sales. In the end, it’s all about producing predictable, scalable results!

EWR’s Search Marketing Code of Ethics

EWR is committed to maintaining staying up with the lastest Search Marketing practices and direction from Google. We want to be accountabile in all aspects of our work, we also don’t use blackhat tactics to get reviews. We want to garner reviews that clearly show whether or not we delievered a postive customer expereince or not.  As a provider of internet marketing and search marketing services, we hold ourselves to a high standard. Our goal is to only work with client that we can help. We want our to clients achieve higher rankings, increased their traffic, and through improved conversions (CRO), by clearly commuincating what you do and how you do it, in well “search edge speak”. We believe that understanding the basis on which SEO best practices were founded and how crucial they are in building long-term success for our clients in the SERPS.

We’re passion about search marketing. We are a team of experts who research, test, and evaluate: SEO strategies/tactics, web design & CRO.  We do our best to to provide reliable, unbiased, and informative feedback.

Analyze, Strategy, Implement, Report

First we analyze your current situation and compare it to your top competitors, keywords and website. Then, we come up with a strategy focusing on target keywords, on-page SEO, off page SEO, and content creation. After a strategy is developed, we track the analytics of the campaign to calculate ongoing ROI and determine next steps on a quarterly campaign basis. We look for clients that are committed to the long term and who know SEO is an investment that takes time to work. If your reading this and like what you hear, lets talk? Don’t hestate,  just click the green button in the upper right hand corner of the screen on desktop or in the  last drop down on mobile to setup a no-hassle, no-obligation,  free marketing consultation!uptrend image

Step 1

Align / Analysis


Competitor Analysis

We also look at your competitors to discover any possible keywords we should rank for, backlinks we should obtain, and goals we need to set to move your site above your competition.


Website Audit

Our comprehensive website audit looks at more than the layout of the site. We also pull up the source code to see your current on-page characteristics such as headers, meta descriptions, title tags, alt tags, no follow links, and more. We also look at your site load speed, site security, mobile responsiveness, and compare your UX to current best practices.


Current Standings

Here at EWR Digital we have the tools to discover how trustworthy you are in Googles eyes, the keywords your rank for, your ranking trends, SEM history, and more. By looking at where you currently are, we can develop a strategy that will boost your relevance to Google.


Seed Keywords

Seeds are keywords that define the base theme of the campaign. These keywords lie on the top line in the keyword value pyramid. We help you define, through research, user intent, the customer journey and the keywords with the most targeted commercial impact and volume.

Search Demand Curve: Head vs. Long Tail Keywords Distribution
Step 2


After we do a deep dive of your current standings, our team of digital marketing experts come up with a strategy that best fits your goals. To increase your website traffic we first focus on the keyword strategy, on-page SEO, off-page SEO and content strategy.


Keyword Optimization

This is an essential process to help identify the best possible keywords to target for reaching potential customers and how they will find you. We will conduct an extensive study on what people are searching for on search engines regarding your products or services. We’ll then develop the right strategy for you.


Onpage SEO

On-site search engine optimization techniques are the actions we take inside your website, which affect your information architecture and site structure. We optimize the internal navigation, overall page layout, and backend using proven SEO techniques that align with Google standards. We will enhance the website HTML coding, fix incompatibilities and errors, set up custom tags, apply correct meta tags, adjust keywords density and positioning, and tweak URLs.


Off Page SEO

Off page search engine optimization techniques are the actions taken outside of your website to help to increase your search engine ranking. This includes improving off page content — this is content where you are mentioned and links back to your site. We execute link building strategies to recruit more quality backlinks to your website from various reliable sources such as articles, directories, online PR, blogs, forums, online communities and social media sites. Off page optimization is an ongoing process that must be done continually to stay on the top rankings and ahead of the competition.


Content Strategy

When looking at content strategy we decide what we can salvage as is, what new content we need to create (or update) and what old content can be repurposed. Our experienced copywriters will create any relevant content necessary to increase site traffic. They’ve created articles on every subject from home services to ecommerce.

Step 3


Without proper implementation, your site will never rank. Our experts will put in the work to make sure your plan comes to fruition. Technical SEO is like a circuit, and needs all the pieces fully connected in the right order to let the electricity run through it to propel it to the top of the rankings.

Some aspects of Technical SEO:

  • Use SSL
  • Mobile friendliness
  • AMP
  • Structured data
  • XML Sitemaps
  • Page speed
  • Submit your sites
  • Broken Links
  • Fix Duplicate Content
Step 4


Always keeping an eye on the prize, through campaigns analytics, is the only way to know if the strategy is working. At EWR Digital we provide up to date analytics every month to show our clients their site performance, keyword rankings, website traffic and more (*we can customize to your needs). Based on the metrics, we work on improving the SEO and content to see an even bigger increase in traffic. We believe ROI is a must. We typically won’t even recommend a SEO campaign if we can’t model a positive outcome in results.

Consider this for a moment: nearly 33% of clicks go to the first ranking page, and the first five listings get over 75% of all clicks.

If you want more prospects to find your website through a search engine, then you need SEO practices that will help you rank among the top five positions, and ideally number one.

EWR Digital

A Different Approach

Our Methodology is designed to develop pragmatic digital strategies, leading to stakeholder consensus and alignment. We map out the ideal approach to help you capitalize on business, experience, and technology opportunities to create predictable and scalable growth.

Typical engagements include the creation of customer and market research, personas and journey maps, competitive benchmarks, visualizations, business case and ROI analysis, SEO roadmaps, and more.

A Different Approach to Digital Marketing - EWR Digital
EWR Digital site opened on tablet

Our Origin

Visibility, Analytics, Customer Insights, Online Presence, Flexibility, trends, customer involvement, enhanced targeting, increased conversion rates, worldwide, competitive edge